52 Facts About You
Name: Barbara.
Age: Mind your own business!
Birthday: September 30th
Birthplace: Santiago, Chile
Location: Santiago, Chile
Sign: Libra
Have Kids: No, and I'm nore sure I want to.
Relationship Status: Single.
Hair Color: Honey-ish :)
Height: 1.67 mts.
Long Hair or Short Hair: letting it grow, it's hard, though! midium lenght :)
Religion: Christian
Ethnic Background: Latina!
Occupation: Procurement Assist./English Teacher
Pets: 7, 1 dog & 6 birds
Proudest Moment: Being able to re-focus myself...
Have a Website: yes, 3 :)
Do You Smoke: Socially.
Do You Drink: Socially.
Eye Color: Brown
Piercings: just 3 in each ear.
Tatoos: YES! check the pics!
Overused Word: So many, can't think of just one.
Ever Done Drugs: Nope, and I'm not interested at all!
What Country would you like to visit: Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, Kenya, Nigeria...
Ever Been In Love: Yes, and I still think love sucks.
What Famous Person Would You Like To Meet: Johnny Depp!
Have Any Siblings: Yes, my brother and 3 half-sisters, as far as I know, on my dad's side.
Like To Camp: Nope.
Ever Broken A Bone: Yes, my left foot.
Dream Job: host a "best Hotels/places/spa's" of the world :)
Do You Live In a House or Appartment: House.
Favorite Sports Team: None.
Favorite Music Genre: Rock, 80s pop.
Favorite Movie Genre: COmedies/Romance.
Do You Belive In God: YES!
How Do You Like Your Eggs: Scrumbled.
Favorite Drink: Margaritas & beer.
Worst Fears: to be let down by a loved one.
Foods You Hate: Seafood.
Favorite Flowers: daisies.
Do You Own A Cellphone: Of course! who doesn't in Chile?
Favorite Disney Movie: Cinderella.
What Do You Hate: Lies, traitors...
Candy or Flowers: Flowers
Morning Person or Night Owl: Night owl, totally!
College Plans: Been there, done that.
Do You Live With Either Of Your Parents: My mom & my brother :)
Are You Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing, most of the time.
Is The Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Half full! always.
Your Best Feature: Lips, legs, smile, face :)
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This Or That...
Night or Day: Night.
Coffee or Tea: Starbucks Coffee! I'M ADDICTED!
Water or Fire: Both are necessary.
Phones or Email: Email, a lot easier and more comfortable!
Internet or TV: Both!
Pens Or Pencils: Pencils
Lip Stick or Lip Gloss: Lipstick
Walmart or Kmart: Lider!
Dogs or Cats: Both.
Snakes or Spiders: Snakes, I hate spiders!
Summer or Winter: Winter!
Spring or Fall: Spring!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla! (Ice-cream flavor, right? 'cause I do like black guys :)
M&Ms or Skittles: M&Ms
Music or Movies: Both!
Rap or Country: NEITHER!
Candles or Insense: Insense
Lots of Friends or Few Best Friends: Few, of course!
Babies or Todlers: Todlers, but I'm not a big fan of children...
Paper Cut or Splinter: Do I have to choose? paper cut...
Parfume/Cologne or Body Spray: Parfume.
Coke or Pepsi: Light Coca-Cola
Rain or Snow: Rain!
Jessica Simpson or Christina Agulera: Neither, but Aguilera at least sings...
Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Anistan: Jennifer Aniston, of course!
Lord Of The Rings or Harry Potter: Star wars.
Yo-Gi-Oh or Starwars: Star wars
Video Games or Board Games: Board games.
Blush or Glitter: Blush! as natural as possible.
Long Hair or Short: Long hair
Nice Guy/Girl or Good Looking Guy/Girl: Nice, loving, honest, sweet, good looking guy :)
Love or Money: Love, of course!
Broken Heart or Broken Bone: Broken bone. Broken hearts is so hard to recover from...but it's doable!!
Movie or Play: Movie.
City or Country: City
The Mall or Ebay: amazon.com, don't like malls much...
Cars or Trucks: Cars
Ford or Dodge: Argh! neither.
The OC or Dawsons Creek: Dawsons Creek!
Mermaids or Unicorns: Mermaids
School or Work: Traveling...enjoying life...no work, no school...
Silver or Gold: Silver.
Christmas or Your Birthday: Birthday!
Giving Gifts or Getting Gifts: I love giving. But I like getting too. Ah, don't know, really...
McDonalds or Burger King: McShit! but I like it :)
Books or Magizines: Both!
Forgive or Get Even: Forgive but NEVER forget.
Paper or Plastic: Paper
Cash or Credit Cards: Cash
Cookies or Cake: Cookies!
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