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About Me

52 Facts About You

Name: Barbara.
Age: Mind your own business!
Birthday: September 30th
Birthplace: Santiago, Chile
Location: Santiago, Chile
Sign: Libra
Have Kids: No, and I'm nore sure I want to.
Relationship Status: Single.
Hair Color: Honey-ish :)
Height: 1.67 mts.
Long Hair or Short Hair: letting it grow, it's hard, though! midium lenght :)
Religion: Christian
Ethnic Background: Latina!
Occupation: Procurement Assist./English Teacher
Pets: 7, 1 dog & 6 birds
Proudest Moment: Being able to re-focus myself...
Have a Website: yes, 3 :)
Do You Smoke: Socially.
Do You Drink: Socially.
Eye Color: Brown
Piercings: just 3 in each ear.
Tatoos: YES! check the pics!
Overused Word: So many, can't think of just one.
Ever Done Drugs: Nope, and I'm not interested at all!
What Country would you like to visit: Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, Kenya, Nigeria...
Ever Been In Love: Yes, and I still think love sucks.
What Famous Person Would You Like To Meet: Johnny Depp!
Have Any Siblings: Yes, my brother and 3 half-sisters, as far as I know, on my dad's side.
Like To Camp: Nope.
Ever Broken A Bone: Yes, my left foot.
Dream Job: host a "best Hotels/places/spa's" of the world :)
Do You Live In a House or Appartment: House.
Favorite Sports Team: None.
Favorite Music Genre: Rock, 80s pop.
Favorite Movie Genre: COmedies/Romance.
Do You Belive In God: YES!
How Do You Like Your Eggs: Scrumbled.
Favorite Drink: Margaritas & beer.
Worst Fears: to be let down by a loved one.
Foods You Hate: Seafood.
Favorite Flowers: daisies.
Do You Own A Cellphone: Of course! who doesn't in Chile?
Favorite Disney Movie: Cinderella.
What Do You Hate: Lies, traitors...
Candy or Flowers: Flowers
Morning Person or Night Owl: Night owl, totally!
College Plans: Been there, done that.
Do You Live With Either Of Your Parents: My mom & my brother :)
Are You Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing, most of the time.
Is The Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Half full! always.
Your Best Feature: Lips, legs, smile, face :)
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This Or That...

Night or Day: Night.
Coffee or Tea: Starbucks Coffee! I'M ADDICTED!
Water or Fire: Both are necessary.
Phones or Email: Email, a lot easier and more comfortable!
Internet or TV: Both!
Pens Or Pencils: Pencils
Lip Stick or Lip Gloss: Lipstick
Walmart or Kmart: Lider!
Dogs or Cats: Both.
Snakes or Spiders: Snakes, I hate spiders!
Summer or Winter: Winter!
Spring or Fall: Spring!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla! (Ice-cream flavor, right? 'cause I do like black guys :)
M&Ms or Skittles: M&Ms
Music or Movies: Both!
Rap or Country: NEITHER!
Candles or Insense: Insense
Lots of Friends or Few Best Friends: Few, of course!
Babies or Todlers: Todlers, but I'm not a big fan of children...
Paper Cut or Splinter: Do I have to choose? paper cut...
Parfume/Cologne or Body Spray: Parfume.
Coke or Pepsi: Light Coca-Cola
Rain or Snow: Rain!
Jessica Simpson or Christina Agulera: Neither, but Aguilera at least sings...
Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Anistan: Jennifer Aniston, of course!
Lord Of The Rings or Harry Potter: Star wars.
Yo-Gi-Oh or Starwars: Star wars
Video Games or Board Games: Board games.
Blush or Glitter: Blush! as natural as possible.
Long Hair or Short: Long hair
Nice Guy/Girl or Good Looking Guy/Girl: Nice, loving, honest, sweet, good looking guy :)
Love or Money: Love, of course!
Broken Heart or Broken Bone: Broken bone. Broken hearts is so hard to recover from...but it's doable!!
Movie or Play: Movie.
City or Country: City
The Mall or Ebay:, don't like malls much...
Cars or Trucks: Cars
Ford or Dodge: Argh! neither.
The OC or Dawsons Creek: Dawsons Creek!
Mermaids or Unicorns: Mermaids
School or Work: Traveling...enjoying work, no school...
Silver or Gold: Silver.
Christmas or Your Birthday: Birthday!
Giving Gifts or Getting Gifts: I love giving. But I like getting too. Ah, don't know, really...
McDonalds or Burger King: McShit! but I like it :)
Books or Magizines: Both!
Forgive or Get Even: Forgive but NEVER forget.
Paper or Plastic: Paper
Cash or Credit Cards: Cash
Cookies or Cake: Cookies!
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My Interests

English teaching, being able to actually make a difference in at least one of my students (they are all between 20 - 30 years old BTW). I know I've achieved it, not every time, but I have, and that makes it worth it :)

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I'm a BIG Poison fan. I love them, I have all their CD's, and T-shirts, etc...they were a big part of my teen years, as complicated as they were, so I like them for more than their music (And Bret Michaels, ok, ok... :)Stryper is my Favorite band too...they have touched my life, in completely different levels, their music is strenghtening...can't really explain it, but they mean a lot more to me than just a band that shares my faith.Jani Lane is another all-time favorite! he's the most underrated singer/songwriter there is. He RULES! I love him. And that's all I can say. :)And also, I love 80s music, all of it! I love early 80's pop music, Brit Pop (you know, The Cure, The Smiths etc) If I watch an 80s dvd with videos, I know the song and the artist 90% of the time! I love music :)


Well, for me movies are supposed to take me to another world, to take me out of my reality for a while, that's why I don't like movies that are way too complicated or "brainy", having said that, my favorite movies are:Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - I became a Johnny Depp's fan, he's totally adorable in that movie!!Bridget Jones's Diary - I just love it! She is such a lovable character :)P.S. - I had seen Topher Grace only in 'That 70s show'. After this movie, I love him. I guess that, being a teacher, the 20/30 something relationship it's kind of appealing...(lol) just kidding, just kidding...I'm a serious teacher :)Star Wars, Episode III - What's not to love? To finally find out why Anakin went to the dark side...and Hayden Christensen. 2 reasons more than good enough to watch it!!Matrix - I love everything about it. I don't think it's possible, but I just love it. And, of course Keanu Reeves :)The Notebook - The most romantic movie I have ever seen in my entire life. I cry every time I watch it. I love it.Pretty in Pink / The Breakfast Club - totally 80s, Molly Ringwald, James Spader, Matthew McCartney...enough said :)The Sound of Music - I know, I know...what can I say? it's my guilty pleasure :) I watch it and sing every song!! I love it :)Love Actually - Such a romantic movie...Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, that British accent...And romantic comedies in general...also action movies... :)


'CSI' (Las Vegas & NY) 'That 70s Show' 'Friends' 'Grounded for Life' 'Scrubs'


I'm very into Irish legends, and stories about the Fae...I think it's fascinating! I've got lots of books on the subject, haven't read them all, don't have the time! but I hope to finish them soon.I'm also reading Dr. Martin Luther King's autobiography...he's one of my Heroes.I also like books from Latinamerican and Spanish writers...books take me to another world, farther than movies!

My Blog

Brown eyed girl, looks for whatever color-eyed boy... :)

For some reason I remembered those words from "The Sweetest thing" by U2...well, the original lines go "blue eyed boy, looks for brown eyed girl" has to adapt things, right??? :) It's not ...
Posted by Bretamichaels on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 09:17:00 PST

Life keeps spinning, and I’m feeling...

Blue.  That's the color that completely explains how I feel. And w..ell, life does keep spinning...even when something happens that completely shakes up your world - for good or bad - people...
Posted by Bretamichaels on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 05:34:00 PST

A tattoo to celebrate my life changes :)

Well, I know nobody read these lines, but I just wanted to put these thoughts into writing, so, here they are. I've been through lots of stuff my whole life - the whole 32 years I've been walking on t...
Posted by Bretamichaels on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 11:31:00 PST

Not 1 year older, but 1 year wiser, and happier! :)

Hi there people! Just wanted to tell you all about my Bday...I had a great time! I wish you guys had been there, specially some of you :) anyway, we had a great time, wiht DJ and all...I had been look...
Posted by Bretamichaels on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 08:21:00 PST

Back to school!! a teacher :)

Hey there people! Well yes, I went back to school...classes started again here in Chile, which means we teachers go back to work too :)This year I have many courses, which is good, the more classes th...
Posted by Bretamichaels on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:57:00 PST

Quizzes, quizzes & more quizzes!

..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> You Belong in Greenwich Village Avant garde and bohemian, you're quick to adopt new ideas and lifestyles. And while you'r...
Posted by Bretamichaels on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 07:01:00 PST

Quit Smoking

Hi there, I just decided I should quit smoking.  First of all, I read Rikki Rockett's story, you have to check it out! coming from a rockstar, a REAL rockstar, it's very inspiring!  http://b...
Posted by Bretamichaels on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 06:07:00 PST

No, I'm not crazy!: my night (historical) tour to the cementery

Hi there people! Well, yes! I went on a night tour to the 'General Cementery' here in Santiago! let me tell you about it...But first: No, I am not gothic, or obsessed with death (which would be quite ...
Posted by Bretamichaels on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 05:36:00 PST


Hi there people, just wanted to tell you I'm happy! because my all-time idols accepted my friend requests! GOD BLESS INTERNET! I never thought I would actually be able to tell them how much they have...
Posted by Bretamichaels on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 01:43:00 PST

Welcome! / Bienvenidos!

Ok people, here I am starting this online thing again.  I really hope I can keep up this time, at least I know I will be able to login from work, because I am no longer working you know where.......
Posted by Bretamichaels on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 06:37:00 PST