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Everything Alternative

About Me

The station that set the bar for alternative radio has just set the bar for the internet! Check out all of your favorite artists and crazy videos at 99X.com! And if you're local you can catch us on HD radio at 99.7-2!
Wolfmother loves it...

Tom Morello jammin' in studio...

Muse is always dope.

Travis Barker & Plus 44 likes to jam w/ us too..

If you don't trust me, just ask Perry Ferrell...

My Interests

Music. Concerts. Parties. Rocking... AND Rolling.

I'd like to meet:

You. And Rick Rubin...


Everything Alternative - Weezer, Linkin Park, Gorillaz, SOAD, Foo Fighters, The Arctic Monkeys, Gnarls Barkley, Coldplay, NIN, the Violent Femmes, Silversun Pickups, The Killers, Death Cab, Chris Cornell, Modest Mouse, Fallout Boy, The Cure, The Clash, The Ramones, The White Stripes, 30 Seconds to Mars, Beck... you name it, we play it.

Click below to check out the new 99x.com online!


Yo check out our Dave Matthews Band ticket contest!
We’ve got Dave Matthews Band tickets for the show at Lakewood Amphitheatre on July 7th, but we want you to show us some love. We want your videos, professing your love for 99X.com and DMB. Here’s how you enter the contest:
1. Record a 99 second video telling us why you love 99X.com and DMB. 2. Click this video to be taken directly to YouTube, or go to the “99Xdotcom” channel of YouTube.com. 3. Once on YouTube, click “Post a video response” 4. Click “Upload a video” 5. Upload your video to YouTube
Once everyone has uploaded their videos, we’ll pick two winners. One pair of tickets will go to the person who has the most views, so tell your whole crew to go watch it. The other pair of tickets goes to the best video as voted on by the 99X.com staff. Got a famous relative? Have crazy talents? Whatever it takes, just get our attention.
We’re hosting the contest all week long, and deadline for submissions is Friday at 5pm.


Jillian 9a-2p Monday thru Friday

Kinard 2p-6p Monday thru Friday

Lewis 7p-Mid Monday thru Friday

My Blog

FAQ’s about the new 99X.com

From the Desk of Kinard  From the Desk of Kinard  Hey gang.  We've been hard at work since 99X went from regular radio to the internet and HD2.  We have made quite a bit of improv...
Posted by 99X.com on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 04:17:00 PST


FEBRUARY 1ST 7:00 P.M.99X Sinners Ball returns with Atlanta's only Mardi Gras party Friday February 1st at Opera featuring THE BLACK LIPS and JANELLE MONA'E and brought to you by Coors Light & So...
Posted by 99X.com on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 10:06:00 PST

"Hey Kids"... Help our good friend English Nick!

Many of you know our dear friend English Nick was in a serious car accident the other night, and like most Rockstars he has no insurance. So Metalsome has set up a few benefit shows to raise money for...
Posted by 99X.com on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:26:00 PST

Brouhaha: The Biggest and Best Halloween Party in Atlanta

Hosted By: 99X AtlantaWhen: 27 Oct 2007, 07:00 PMWhere: Masquerade695 North Ave.Atlanta, GeorgiaDescription:99X Atlanta Click Here To View Event...
Posted by 99X.com on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 03:03:00 PST

Free Tix to 99X Big Day Out!

Hey folks,Next week I'll be giving away free tix to the biggest concert of the summer - the 99X Big Day Out - on myspace! But if you don't like your odds OR you're super-impatient and can't wait for t...
Posted by 99X.com on Tue, 22 May 2007 08:01:00 PST


We got a tip that can help a local band get a record deal! Check out the press release below for more info. Support your favorite local band on 99X with Dekker's Locals Only Lounge...
Posted by 99X.com on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:12:00 PST