.:John:. profile picture



About Me

My name is John.
I live in Northern California. I guess that makes me a Californian. I've gotten the privelidge to live in lots of places, over my 25 years. I've lived in Texas, Tennessee, California, Saskatchewan, and even China for a few months. For nearly 10 years, I haven't really been sure where I was from. I always sort of felt lost in that sense. I was a transient, a sojourner. It's great for conversation, but I didn't feel I had any roots. It's true, home is where you hang your hat. It's also true that home is where the heart is. So, in one sense, my home is in Tennessee with my family. In another sense, my home is in Canada, where my life changed in so many ways. In another sense, my home is in California, where I live. Here, I am with the love of my life. In a more profound sense, though, my home is in Heaven.
I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ, the Messiah. My time here, in this world, is merely temporary. It will last another 70 years, max. Eternally, forever, I will live in another place..not a place of clouds and gold and harps, but another, a better, a new earth. Together with my God, my saviour, my creator. I will know God, and be known by him.
I am an artist, a poet, a writer, a musician, a philosopher, a lover and a fighter. I have a passion for art, culture, social justice, beauty, truth and love.
My name is John.
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

beautiful movies
music videos
tea & coffee
disc golf

I'd like to meet:



O.C. Supertones
Five Iron Frenzy
Caedemon's Call
Rich Mullins
Third Day
Counting Crows
System of a Down
Linkin Park
The Best of the Benedictine Monks of St. Michaels Cathedral
Norah Jones
Imogen Heap
Frou Frou
Death Cab For Cutie
The Postal Service
Lunar Theory
Anthem Poetic
Fat Boy Slim
Jon Hopkins
The Dresden Dolls
Matchbox 20
Green Day
Elvis Presley
The Beatles
Michael Jackson
Peter Gabriel
Jan & Dean
Aretha Franklin
Shane Bernard
Shane Everett
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Lynard Skynnard
Jason Upton
Talib Kwali
The Nappy Roots
The Black Eyed Peas
Fort Minor
Iron and Wine
Damien Rice
Lowana Wallace
Mat Kearney
Shawn MacDonald
An Opiate For Angels
Blue Eyes
Marshall McLean
Phil Collins
The Poilice
The Wonders
The Soggy Bottom Boys
Kanye West
Waking Ashland
Mute Math
Regina Spektor


Waiting For Guffman
Best In Show
A Mighty Wind
That Thing You Do
The Truman Show
Moulin Rouge
The Lord of The Rings
The Passion
Romeo and Juliet
Simply Ballroom
The Invisible Children
Into the Woods
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
Fun With Dick and Jane
V For Vendetta
The Usual Suspects
The Game
Saving Private Ryan
Schindler's List
The End of The Spear
Oceans Eleven
Oceans Twelve
The Matrix (yes, the whole trilogy)
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Back to The Future
Shawshank Redemption
Donnie Darko
Kate and Leopold
50 First Dates
What Dreams May Come
The Motorcycle Diaries
Four Brothers
Jurassic Park
The Lost World
The Life of David Gale
12 Monkeys
Dead Poets Society
Patch Adams
The Family Stone
American Beauty
Little Miss Sunshine


I used to be quite a television addict. I try not to get hooked, and I do a pretty good job nowadays, but there are some shows I really like to watch, and there are others that are amazing classics that I will crave every now and again. Here are a few of my faves:
The Beverly Hillbillies
Gilligan's Island
The Andy Griffith Show
Gomer Pyle USMC
I Love Lucy
The Honeymooners
Are You Being Served
Faulty Towers
Red Dwarf
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Saturday Night Live
The Wonder Years
Life Goes On
Doogie Howser, M.D.
Boy Meets World
Full House
Star Trek, TNG
Star Trek, Voyager
CSI: Crime Scene Investigators
Grey's Anatomy
Chicago Hope
Criminal Minds
The Simpson's
Earthworm Jim
The Tick
Fraggle Rock
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Big Comfy Couch
ok, I can't lie. I love Television. I hate that it has taken over our society. I hate that it is the main harbour for filth and moral degredation in our world. I hate that I become addicted and am more likely to cry when Charley gets screwed over, than I am at the fact that there are thousands dying in Sudan everyday. I hate the evil, but I love the medium (however, I don't like that show).


The Bible, The Complete Works of Shakespear, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, Desiring God, The Pursuit of God, With Christ in the School of Prayer, The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy, You Are Special, The Ragamuffin Gospel, Ruthless Trust, The Wisdom of Tenderness, stuff by Beuchner, Bonhoffer, Schaeffer, Tozer, Piper, Manning, Lewis...I love missionary Biographies: God's Smuggler, Bruchko, Through Gates of Splendor, John G. Patton, The Heavenly Man...that's good stuff!


Jesus Christ, Moses, David, John, Paul, Peter, Daniel, Stephen, Martin Luther, Jonathan Edwards, Wes Olmstead, my dad...

My Blog

He Carried The Wood

             The morning air was crisp and cold, as they made their way from the house.  It was still mostly dark, but the glow from the sun ...
Posted by .:John:. on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 09:17:00 PST

The Deluge of the Soul

The world was flooded, or so it seemed to him.  It was as if the land had drown, and the sea had risen beneath them in a matter of days.  This was not the slow flood of Global Warming. ...
Posted by .:John:. on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 01:27:00 PST

The Deception of Eve

             Darkness surrounded her.  She couldn't see and she was afraid.  For the first time in her life, she was very afraid.  ...
Posted by .:John:. on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 05:51:00 PST

To follow him...

From August 20, 2005  very late at night, in an unknown Chinese village     So, tonight I got drunk, smoked two ciggarrettes and then went for a long walk down an unlit main r...
Posted by .:John:. on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 02:06:00 PST

Starbucks Spirituality

From January 3rd, 2006    8:56 PM     Toone, TN      No longer am I a Bible College student.  I have finished.  Reading my Bible no lon...
Posted by .:John:. on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 04:09:00 PST

The Legacy of Saint Valentine

From, February 15th, 2006      10:26 AM     Fairfield, CA       Yesterday was quite possibly one of the best days of my life. ...
Posted by .:John:. on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 01:57:00 PST

loonies in Pheonix

from November 1, 2005  3:20 AM   in a Greyhound Station, Pheonix AZ It's official.  I'm out of money.  I have about .35 cents on me.  I've got a bunch of Canadian and Hon...
Posted by .:John:. on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 04:22:00 PST

scrawlings and scribbles; life on paper

from August 1, 2005 1:05 AM, Fairfield, CAI had a journal when I was in 7th grade. For at least a month, I wrote in it nightly, spilling my soul & the deepest inner-longings of my heart. It was mo...
Posted by .:John:. on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 11:02:00 PST

direct from my journal...birthday reflecions

 Today I turned 25 years old. I'm full of regrets & rememberances, questions & contemplations, wandering thoughts of life & identity. What is the point of all my memories, the friends...
Posted by .:John:. on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 03:00:00 PST

Memoirs of a media slave...

"I have been Crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.  The Life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself ...
Posted by .:John:. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST