Someone that can out sing me in my own car......bring it!
Create Your Own!
So many good ones.......Juno, Superbad, Dazed and Confused, Wizard of Oz, Mean Girls, Overboard, Jaws, Casino, Sommersby (i think i am the only one that has seen it!) Dirty Dancing, Sweetest Thing, I love anything with Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson/Vince Vaughn
Friends will always be my favorite show. I am hooked on Nip/Tuck, Dirt & Big Brother. I also love Flight of the Concords & Entourage!
Angels & Demons, DaVinci Code, How To Make Love Like A Porn Star (so good!) Lovely Bones
People that stand up for what they beleive in. Every person in my family.....they have made me who I am. My brave cousin TJ who is serving his country proudly with a beautiful daughter and wife at home!