I'm willing to try everything once, though there are some certainties in this topic. I like outdoors-ee stuff, though I don't tend to live for it, so I feel a little isolated by my Bozeman peers, who seem to wilt every minute they remain in doors. This includes car camping, camping at remote locations (though not exactly the act of getting there), fishing and rock climbing. I am an absolute hermit in the winter time:P As said, I like languages, literature and music. Music is a real passion of mine, though I don't play, but I love to appreciate. Same can be said about literature, though I hope to change that soon enough, feeling oddly motivated lately, as though I need to get some shit done. Languages? well. that's everything:)
I'd love to meet someone who honestly wants to change the world, instead of saying they do, while not changing anything. I don't like hypocrites or people with closed minds (as hypocritical as that sounds...perhaps i should say "tend" and make everyone happy:P)
Music interest change from mood to mood, day to day. I love all music, just for different reasons. If i had to put a "favorite" tag onto one specific (lol) type, I'd have to say that anything with quality lyrics (and the use of lyrics) tends to catch my ear more often than not. So, this means I tend to listen to more underground hip-hop and folk/indie rock type stuff (my vocab is astounding this morning). Examples of these (I can't and don't really try to categorize things, I think definitions and titles are limiting, so examples will have to suffice) are Okkervil River, Devin Davis, Ted Leo & the Pharmacists, Bob Dylan, Bright Eyes, (and for hip hop...) Del the funky homosapien, Blue Scholars, Gabriel Teodros, Atmosphere, Tribe and much much more. As said, I like music for different reasons, and because of this, I like country, pop, electronica, 80's butt rock, alternative and whatever other title you can think of. I like music to entertain, move and make me think. If it accomplishes any combination of those three, then I'll probably like it. oh. I have been listening to KEXP for about 8 months now, and it is my favorite source of music ever. Though I haven't been at my computer that often (summer = work = no time)
I like a lot of movies, though I rarely find the time to sit and watch them. I feel that I need to know a movie is going to be worth watching before I commit the time necessary to discover these things on my own. Anyway, some staples would be like Nightmare before Christmas... Zoolander uh. what else. I dunno. I like different movies for different reasons, same as literature. I liked Hero because of the cinematography, I liked the Matrix because of the idea and I liked Pirates of the Caribean because...well. who doesn't like pirates? should have put that in my interests.
what's that?suprisingly, that answer hasn't changed. And until tv, like radio, becomes worth my time again, I won't change it. PBS isn't bad though:)
Too damn many to list. I love books, though I haven't been able to read as much as lately. Time time time. where does it all go? Some favorites are Catch-22, Labrynths (Borges), 100 years of Solitude (I thought it entertaining:P) um. man. I am reading 2 books right now, Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow and uh. Cuentos by Millas. It takes me for fucking ever to read these types of books (Pynchon because it's very Joycean in writing style... so pages and chapters need to be re-read, several times and cuentos because it's in spanish. and well. my vocab isn't THAT big:P)I like books for different reasons, but a great story usually keeps my interest more than writing style. I guess I like to escape.
This one is difficult for me because I don't really look up to many people. Never have. My dad (as cheesy as that sounds) is by common polls, the nicest man and probably best man i know, though Kurt Vonnegut, Thomas Pynchon and Joseph Heller are up there. I like the idea that these men were able to create popular pieces that reflected problems with their societies at the time (suppose Jonathan Swift or any of the 18th century satirists work as well. kinda less topical though). I see the popular novel as a useful tool in influencing society and wrinkling out some of the current problems today. kinda respect the attempts of any who use their medium to make a difference for the better. If you're doing that, well you are worthy of admiration.