Spicy Scorpion with a Rightcheeksting profile picture

Spicy Scorpion with a Rightcheeksting

COOL MySpace Comments Stephanie

About Me

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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from www.sexiluv.com
And I can sting ya!! LOL.. Peace and Happy thoughts to ya! Where ever life may lead you!!!! I try to see the bright side of most things. I have been single for some time now. I would love to find a true soulmate, lol I sometimes wonder about that? Life is full of many different levels and we sometimes be off a level, lol. We all need the feeling to know someone cares. Some don't like to show it like others, but we know the do. Even at that people can be cold hearted as hell. I've learned in life you can never truely count on anyone, but yourself.!I don't judge anyone for who they are, if they can live with their actions so can I. I will say that I have no problem in saying what I feel..right to the point...and really don't care what you think about me being HONEST!.. So many can't handle the truth...WTF? Get over it..if your my friend be glad I'm the way I am...Don't have your pink panties on, lol Life is Short, and the good die young! The words I BELIEVE gets me through with Happy thoughts
Contact Box Generated from Go Bling MySpace Layoys and Graphics

The "Get to Know Me" Survey

Stuff About You

Nickname Betty
Gender Female
Eye Color changes with mood
Hair Color reddish brown
Height 5'7
Favorite Color Orange
Tattoos 2
Piercings just ears
Fly or invisible invisible
Pets 3 dogs (few cats outside)
Best skill being a bitch
Sound of your ringtone different for different people


Band AC/DC & Stevie Nicks
Movie Wizard of Oz
TV Show Xfiles
Actor/Actress Steven Seagal/
Song Ride on AC/DC
Color Orange
Planet Neptune
Piece of clothing bluejeans

Have You Ever...

Climbed a tree yes
Walk around in the rain yes
Danced in public yes
Smiled for no reason yes
Talked to yourself all the time!
Laughed so hard you cried yes
Peed your pants after age 8 yes
Written a song helped/ inspired
Written a story my life
Talked to someone you didn't know yes
Gone roller skating was a speed skater
Been in love yes

Can You...

Write with both hands not neatly
Whistle yes
Chew gum and walk at the same time yes
Cross your eyes yes
Roll your tongue yes
Dance yes
Speak more than one language not really
Impersonate anyone hell yes!
Cook anything very good cook
Play a musical instrument air

Are You A...

Lover ooh yeah
Fighter fuck yes
Drinker nah
Smoker lefties
Stalker no
Player no
Heartbreaker maybe sometimes
Peacemaker sometimes
Bitch all the time

Right Now:

Your mood got a little spit fire going
Color pants bluejeans
Closest object to your left hand coffee cup

Finish the sentence

I wish I could ... disappear
School is ... educating
My parents don't ... Dad/ give a shit
Take this survey

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My Interests

peop le
I got this Sexy Comment from CommentsDump.com!
I got this Sexy Comment from CommentsDump.com!

I'd like to meet:

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MySpace Codes from KawaiiSpace.com
the songs that best fit me would haveto be Stevie Nicks Storms and the song call sometimes a bitch..Love ya Stevie! The song by Velvet Revolver loving the alien is one of the best..To me slash is one of the all time greatest guitar players ever! I can get totally lost in his playing! I also love Mark Knopfler's playing I think he is also one of the greatest!!..Happy thoughts!


I love Steven Seagal!! He's my guy!!I wish... Love the movie Gone in 60 secounds! And I really liked the movie THE NET!Sandra Bullock u Rock!!


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I read alot of astrology and books on power stones... directing energy....H
MySpace Comment Graphics appy thoughts!!!!


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My Blog

DICKBEATER DOUG Bobb Buzz Bee Bye Me!!!

Where does a person learn to look directly in another ones eyes, and knowingly just fucking them with heartless eyes of lies?!!a chill factor to the bone!!!..Hummm Dickbeater Doug Bobb Bone.   &n...
Posted by Spicy Scorpion with a Rightcheeksting on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 02:19:00 PST

life's ups and downs

Why does life seem to never stay in a straight line. All most of us want is to be happy with and in life. We seem to take something that should be easy to do, why do we make it hard as Hell?...
Posted by Spicy Scorpion with a Rightcheeksting on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 02:01:00 PST

Lesson's learned

Getting over finally Dickbeater Doug Bobb!
Posted by Spicy Scorpion with a Rightcheeksting on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 03:41:00 PST