Have you seen this man profile picture

Have you seen this man

The cotton clouds they float, like lowly passers by. Adrift upon a foolish hope, that they may touch

About Me

You are the centre of the Universe.. wherever you go, what ever you do - you will never be closer to, or further away from - it's limits.

My Interests

reading... writing... making unusual facial expressions... making myself laugh... scratchcards... spinning on office chairs... playing my guitar... attempting to play my guitar... singing like Jeff... trying to sing like a black man... I love my girlfriend... she is perfect... I want to go swimming in the ocean... now if you please... Hawaii... strange enthusiastic men who play guitar like gods and sing castrato... travelling far and wide with no agenda and a certain someone by my side... cooking without a recipe or clue what I'm doing and making people eat it... listening to them thank me for their pain... missing someone so much it feels like my heart's been removed and put in a little box somewhere... finding the box... pizza... thai food... tea of all kinds... losing at Stratego... oh.. and scrabble... I like scrabble... a lot.

I'd like to meet:

We've already met.


Miles Davis.. Jimi Hendrix... The Beatles... Nina Simone... the Stones... PJ Harvey... Nirvana... Radiohead... Django Reinhardt... Stephan Grapelli... George & Ira Gershwin... Dave Brubeck... Patsy Cline... Robert Johnson... Paul Simon... Tracey Chapman... Prince Paul... Fingathing... Mad lib... Big L... Leonard Cohen... Nick Drake... Jeff and Tim Buckley... Billy Holiday.. Queen... Son House... Thelonious Monk... Marvin Gaye... James Brown... The JB's... Buena Vista Social Club... oh more so much more


The Stalker, simply the best film ever made... Truly, Madly, Deeply... O Brother Where Art Thou?.... Amelie... The Ipcress File... Buffalo 66... Bad Boy Bubby... to be continued


...is a waste of time




Hendrix.. the poor crazy bastard

My Blog

The Petition

I have always been somewhat dubious of petitions. In the context of localised governance and management, they do hold relevance. There is accountability. You can literally turn up on someones doorstep...
Posted by Have you seen this man on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 10:41:00 PST

The future's bright, the future is fire.

Posted by Have you seen this man on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 10:44:00 PST

My ridiculous life

I got back late last night in order to call a certain wonderful someone. It'd been a long day and I was hungry (despite eating about five meals already), so I bit the proverbial bullet and bought a ke...
Posted by Have you seen this man on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 04:10:00 PST

So long Albion

I'm leaving England, permanently. This is for many reasons, some crazy some sane; but I've made my decision. I have quit my job, emptied my assets, and am in the process of giving away/selling anythin...
Posted by Have you seen this man on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 02:17:00 PST


This is dedicated to and inspired by my good friend Sonya... if she don't like it she can fuck off! Love Love like brick through my window, No broken glass though. Only those honeycomb cracks, Stacke...
Posted by Have you seen this man on Thu, 11 May 2006 12:38:00 PST

I don't want a pension.. I want a life extension!!

  Hmm... those who know will be aware my day job is an ode to someone elses despair. My (for want of a better 'possessive') company... sells pensions. Thats your bank account for when you start w...
Posted by Have you seen this man on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 05:22:00 PST

My Hero

This is man at his most profound. Determined... courageous.... and above all... insane. Does anyone remember bottle rockets? ...those watery wonders of our youth? ...well I bet you never thought of do...
Posted by Have you seen this man on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 03:23:00 PST

'Big City Redneck'

Ok guys and girls... those of you this side of the pond should do the done thing... get your arse down to one of these establishments... and buy a copy of BCR. They are selling fast so make sure you p...
Posted by Have you seen this man on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 02:09:00 PST

"Dear Dhalia - 'in extreme agony aunt'"

Any of you wondering why there is a picture of me in a dress on my profile... would be right in thinking something is not quite right. For those of you who don't already know... part of my responcibil...
Posted by Have you seen this man on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 08:08:00 PST

The New Peckham Dictionary

When in conversation with a new aquaintance I am often asked that old preliminary; "So where abouts do you live?" ...and I say, with a tinge of pride... "Peckham" I can predict the answer every time.....
Posted by Have you seen this man on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 07:31:00 PST