♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution profile picture

♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution

Is Tyler my bad dream, or am I Tyler's?

About Me

" We have no great war. We have no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression... is our lives." -Tyler Durdin-
" It is only after you have lost everything that you are free to do anything." -Tyler Durdin- My Angel, My Devil...
" Claudia... You have been a very... VERY... naughty girl." -Lestat-
" You say it should be in good taste. I say it should taste good." -Gene Simmons-
" What's life without a few Dragons ? " -Ron Weasley-
" First, I would establish a motive... In this case, the killer probably saw the size of the bugs dick, and became insanely jealous.... Then I'd lose 40 pounds... PORKIN' HIS WIFE!!!" -Ace Ventura-
" Take it easy Bill... You will give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation." -Joe Black-
" And everytime you think you know just what your doin'... that's when your troubles exceed." -Axl Rose-
" There will be no living with her after this.... Why is the rum gone!?!?" -Jack Sparrow-
" So I see you have been missing alot of work Peter." response? " I wouldn't say I've been missing it Bob." -Peter Gibbons-
" Fuck it all, Fuck this world, Fuck everything that you stand for... Don't belong, Dont exsist, Don't give a shit.... Don't ever judge me..." -SlipKnoT-
" Victim's... Aren't we all ?" -The Crow-
" Answer me honestly Scully... Doesn't that bear a striking resemblsnce to a fat, white, nazi stormtrooper? -Fox Mulder-
" -Ezekiel 25:17- The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper, and the finder of all lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord, when I lay my vengeance upon thee." -Pitt-
" And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power has decended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." -Conner and Murphy McManus-
Hello everyone!! My name is Donald, but everybody calls me Irishboy. Or Irish. Or Doc. Or Porkchop. Or Kermit. Or spikey-headed freakboy. Some have been known to call me "that one dip-shitted dude", but I am trying to cut down on the need for people to call me that. Let's see, what else... I am a Aries. I love to play pool. I love singing kareokee in shitty hole-in-the wall bars. I love meeting new people and taking thier pictures. I love to play softball with my awesome team from "Rampant Sound". I also love being a Daddy!!! I have a beautiful baby girl with the woman I love more than life itself ( She is the greatest mother in the world, a wonderful wife, and a hell-cat in the sack...), Nation. My daughter's name is Chloe Jace Caramazza, and has lovely Strawberry blonde hair, Daddy's blue eyes and Mommy's dimpled chin... She is my baby, my life, my world... She is my snuggle pickles. I also have a wonderful, funny, smart(ass) son, whose name is Christopher Francis Caramazza. We can be found every monday parked on the couch, watching Monday Night RAW. He can be a handful sometimes, and he always keeps me on my toes, but to see those blue eyes light up when he smiles...? Makes it worth it, every second of every day.
The pic below is of our Snuggle-pickles when she was still brand new. I have the warranty and everything. Oh, and that's Flip... One of the two kittens my cat "Mouse" had... The other ones name is Flop. Flip and Flop are mighty kitten warriors, who guard our house with all the skill that their tiny, furry, ninja bodies can carry. Beware their "Flying claw" kitten attack!! ( To see pics of Chris, refer to the slideshow here on my page, or check my pics on my pic section of my page.)
Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!
The banners and pics below are links to our Photobucket accounts. Just scroll over them, and click. They take you to all the wonderful pics that IrishNation Photography has taken of the awesome Clubs we frequent.
Main Photo Gallery
Let's see, some more About Me stuff... I love all that is strange and beautiful. If you need proof, just look at my family and friends!! Lol. ( I love you guys, all of you!! Even those who are not on my "Top 16." ) But as someone I love once said to me, "Pretty does not always equal beautiful." Too true.
I guess the best way to get to know me, is with the holy intro of, "Hi, my name is...." ( insert your Slim Shady joke here ). And then we can go from there. A warning first, I don't like fake people or people who think they are too good for everyone else. And if you are offended by that last statement, you are exactly the kind of person I am talking about. But if you like what you have read so far, and maybe wanna know some more, or maybe you are writing a book about "The Stoopidest jack-asses residing in California" and need more reference material, then feel free to drop me a line on here, or hit me up on my Yahoo @ [email protected], or send me a friend request, or just give me a call (916-289-4599)... Hell, blow me some smoke signals if you want... Just don't send those dumb birds with the notes tied to their ankles... They keep shitting all over my @#$&*ing car, and I am out of B.B.'s for my Red Rider carbine air-rifle...
Peace, Love and Lucky Charms...
Irishboy the Disturbed
Fuck Muffins!! ( Catchy, isn't it? )

My Interests


Call from either your cell or home phone and leave me a message on my Myspace voicemail box... It is a FREE call... Just dial 1-641-985-7800, and when you hear hello, punch in *1540205... Say hi, or leave me a joke, or you favorite memory of us, or just to say, "Irish, you have WAY too much time on your hands, but we love you anyways..."

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I love to play pool (Bring your stick bitch...), sing bad Karaoke (Let's see you sing Britney Spears bombed off your ass...), try to get my band out of the Garage (Any good bassists out there...? ), being a Daddy (I LOVE YOU MY SNUGGLE PICKLES!!), and my latest hobby, photography (The big pics on your right with the weirdly named banners above them are actually links to my Photo bucket accounts, where I put the pics that IrishNation have captured...). I also love to read (Currently finishing Stephen King's "Dark Tower" series...),watch movies (Anything with Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro or Keeanu Reeves is good... Also any Stephen King or Stanley Kubrick movies rock my cock...),and play video games ("I SOOO TOTALLY WHUPPED YOUR ASS!!" "No you didn't Mom... I let you win.") I also love to cook, and make things with my hands. ( Painting, writing, building, etc...)

Oh, and I seem to have become a total Myspace whore, but... " If you are ever gonna do something, do it right..." As my Daddy used to tell me, and " Stick with what you are good at..." as my dog, Snuffles, told me once, while he was putting away the peanut butter...

I love meeting new people and trying to lure them into bed with lollypops.... Doesn't always work, but you would be amazed at the sucsess rate sometimes.... And just so you know, 4 out of 5 people prefer Strawberry Blo pops compared to Salty mayonasse Blo pops... Go figure.

Last but not least, I love meetin everyone I can... As long as they are...

1.) Honest
2.) Kind
3.) Down to earth
4.) Not stuck on themselves
5.) Don't smell like something crawled up thier ass and died
6.) Are not little whiny " My life sucks ass" Emo boys
7.) True to themselves, no matter WHAT that may be
8.) Can deal with my sometimes over the top attitude
9.) And they better NOT be white shirt, black tie wearin, bicycle ridin, crappy bible totin, racist propaganda spewin ASSHOLES who deserve to have their balls used for my personal punt practicing use...

I'd like to meet:

I would ( and do ) like to meet people who are down to earth, have a good sense of humor, enjoy being themselves even if that means standing out from the crowd, like the same kinda things I do, enjoy watching people land on their head and not their feet... That kind of stuff.

Besides that? I would love to meet Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt for hot, 3 way sex action ( Cause I am a freak like that ). I also would want to meet Billy Jo, Axl Rose, Sully, Johnathan Davis and Mike Patton for some cool Kareokee jams... Darth Vader, just to have him tell me, "Irish... I AM your father "... Captian Jean Luc Picard to ride shotgun so he can tell me to " Engage" when we take off to head to the bar... Ron Jeremy for some pointers ( That man's a PIMP!! )... Jimmeny Cricket to step on that little shit for always ruining my good time... Barry Bonds to show me how to PROPERLY use my needles ( Watermelon sized head and grape-nuts sized testicles... and you guys WONDER if he's using steriods. DUH. )... Every clown and mime in the world so I can personally kick them in the balls for freaking the shit out of me as a kid AND as an adult... Last but not least, Fox Mulder to take me on some cool field trips and stuff, and Dana Scully to have a hot, sweaty, monkey lovin SEX ROMP for 2 weeks straight !!!

ISN'T SHE A FUCKIN' SEXY GORGEOUS ASS MUNCHABLE HOTTIE!?!? Sorry, I just can't help it... I think she is one of the most beautiful women EVER to be graced by the hand of God. ( And Angelina Jolie of course...)



Wow... This one could take awhile... Green Day, Korn, Godsmack, Sublime, Guns-n-Roses, Faith no More, Metallica, Bobby Darin, Slipknot, Elvis, Eminem, My Chemical Romance, Kid Rock, (Cause I am so white trash..lol )Beatles, Bon Jovi, (yes, I said it...) Pantera, ( Rest in peace Dimebag, You will be missed...) Motley Crue and all the hair metal bands of the 80's, Celtic music, Some classical, ( for the nerd in me...) and of course...Still Billy Jo!!! And would it kill you to play some fuckin' FOGHAT every now and then ?

This is me singing "Patience" by Guns-n-Roses... It is dedicated to the most wonderful woman in the world, the woman I love, my wife, Nation. I ..


ANYTHING with Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, Jim Carrey rocks, Horror, Sci-fi, Comedy, Action, leave the smooshy gushy ones on the shelf... umm... yeah. that about covers it. oh yeah... any and all Vampire movies. No I do not consider myself to be one, though I have been accused... As individual movies....? Fight Club, The Crow, L.O.T.R. series, Seven, Friday the 13th, Scooby Doo 1 & 2, American History X, Titantic (yea, shut up, there are probably some gay movies on your list too...), Harry Potter series,The Matrix set, Anything by M. Night Shyamalan, Ace Ventura, The Cable guy, Braveheart, Scarface, The Nightmare before Christmas and STAR WARS!!!


Latest update... Thanks to the evil that is my beautiful woman, I am sooo hooked on "Lost"!!!! And WHAT THE FUCK IS DOWN THAT GODDAM HATCH!?!? ( Don't tell me please...)

I don't watch television... Well, lets say prime time I fucking hate. So, keep your Gilmore Girls, C.S.I. updates to your selves... Don't fucking care, never will, So shoosh. I DO however watch History channel, Comedy Channel, Cartoon Network, and all sports... The only good shows on Television... Family Guy, Lost, RAW, Friday night Smack Down and a show no longer on, the greatest show ever... X-files!!!


Stephen Motherfuckin' King Baby !!! And other stuff too. Harry Potter. Whatever catches my fancy, I guess... Usually odd stuff. Titantic books, Other culture books, History books, Interesting people biography or Auto biographies..


Tyler Durdin first and foremost.... And yes I know he is a movie character, but he is my hero as in the idea that only if everyone could be that free in mind.... Then the list goes as follows....Darth Vader, Gremblins, Killer monster snow goons, My buddy Shrek and all our boys for going over seas to protect the freedoms we love even while you tree huggers cry like little bitches, The Crow, Firefighters, Johnathan Davis, clown killers, mime killers, fruit, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, Ninja's, That one homeless guy with the blue shoe... ( props homie...), anyone who licks toad, people who love themselves enough to be themselves, Jack Skellington, Capt. Jack Sparrow, The green Care Bear, people who can appreciate the intelligent humor of Spongebob Squarepants, and last but not least.... The fine makers of Axe deoderant body spray... Which it comes in very handy to smell great if you happen to be like one of the dumb-lucked son of a bitches like below.

My Blog


Was FUCKING AWESOME!!!  If you have not gone to see it, definitely go do so. You have to see this in Big Screen version along with the sound. The first time you hear it scream, you swear it is re...
Posted by ♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 12:34:00 PST

"Tag bitches!! " As I slap you on the ass and run away.

Here's how you play: Once you've been 'tagged', you have to write a blog of 10 weird / random facts/ habits/goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged , listing their names and WHY...
Posted by ♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 04:46:00 PST

New movie news. A trailer for all those Women who THINK their hoo-hoo’s have teeth.

More movie new for you guys who like to stay one step ahead of what is coming out...First off, we got some behinds the scenes stuff for the new Mummy being made. Hopefully it will be as good as one......
Posted by ♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 06:51:00 PST

Harold & Kumar excape from Guantanamo... And other killer lookin flicks...

-Harold and Kumar excape from Guantanamo- This looks as good as the first one!! -Paranoid Park- Ooooo, scary... And I love Lion's Gate Films -Handcock- This looks hella funny!! Go Wi...
Posted by ♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:01:00 PST

Trailer for Hellboy II... The Golden Army... Looks good!!

More movie news!!! I know, I know, I have no life... lol... Sue me. And if you have such an awesome fucking life, why are you sitting here reading it...? Hmm? There. Not that we have both agreed that ...
Posted by ♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 08:22:00 PST

Movie news for 2008. And no Tim, not your Moms web-cam video premiere.

All from your favorite pilferer of pictorial info, ME!! lol... I know, I know...Your welcome.God, I love doing this... ~The Dark Irish King====================================================Warn er Br...
Posted by ♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:23:00 PST

Whats YOUR super power? And no Tim, you cant have a super cock. I already have that one.

So,  there is someone new who really likes my Blogs...lol... Don't these people have a life AT ALL!?!This week I  was contacted by a Blog and Myspace group called ObscureInternet . And they ...
Posted by ♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 01:18:00 PST

LOST, Batman, X-files 2 updates... EXTRA EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT!!

In conjuction with ODI -- Embrace Your Fear, I shall now also be keeping you guys updated on all the latest info of Movies, T.V., Video games and Comics... Thank you sooo much to the guys over at ODI ...
Posted by ♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 02:13:00 PST

If I slapped you in the forehead, would I hear your brain rattle around in your skull?

So this is actually the 3rd time I have written this Blog. And it continues to get shorter. The skiny of it?You don't know me. Fuck you. You may THINK you do, but you do not. You know Irish. MY name i...
Posted by ♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 02:56:00 PST

A retraction. Even Kings make mistakes... lol...

This is not an apology to Scott at all, BUT.... I did find out who made the fake Beccah profile. It was not Scott. So I retract what I said about him doing it, and all profanities made to him in regar...
Posted by ♣Irishboy... I am the star of the revolution on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 04:39:00 PST