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"a life without love. . . is no life at all."

About Me

"today we salute you Doylestown girls. May your unnecessarily expensive digital camera always hang high above your head, capturing pointless moments of you and your heavily made-up friends making awkward facial positions. Forever shall you be respected for passing around the Vodka bottle like its Kool-aid and "not recalling" embarrassing events; all the while sensitive to breaking the fake shards of plastic you call a nail. Sure, these nails need to be well manicured every few weeks that is after, falsely tanning your skin and spending money like its your job. But this is a small price to pay in return of the loads of positive male attention headed in your direction. So grab Daddy's credit card, put on that shorter than short mini skirt, let your push-up bra elevated boobs hang out of your shirt, and crack open an ice-cold Coors Lite, you D-town girl, you deserve one, for all of your hard work and natural beauty" - taken from another myspace