[Mrs.Wilson] profile picture


[Free My Lil Bro's 40ty & Turtle]

About Me

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Well my name is TRICHNA if you dont know already..First off i wanna give a shout out to my 1 & only LIL'DU...yeah he is my husband if you bitches got a problem wit it you can keep bangin...second i gotta give a shoutout to my favorite people in the world my sisters ,DAIYONNA,ASHANA & KANESHA....my homegirl CUTINA & my niggas QUASIA,MACIA & SHEENA...and to my HATERS i luv ya the most cuz without ya'll i wouldn't be who i am..last but not least FREE MY NIGGA TURTLE T & MY HUSBAND LIL'DU...FREE THA HOOD

My Interests

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My top 8 myspace friends

3.: PEE
7.: 40TY
8.: HA'DAE
The Questions
How did you meet 6?: MY HUSBAND LIL SIS
Why are you friends with 3?: SHE A GOT DAMN IDIOT
Is 7 in a relationship?: YUP
Have you kissed 1?: HELL NAH
Have you hugged 4?: YEAH
Have you done anything sexual with 6?: NO
Would 1 and 8 make a good couple?: NO...8 IS MY SHORTY
How long have you know 2?: 500 B.C.(BEFORE CRACK)
Would you ever kiss 7?: NAH...THATS MY LIL BRO
Whats a good memory with 5?: ACTIN CRAZY AT LUNCH
Ever hugged 8?: YEAH
Do you love 4?: YEAH
Is 5 nice?: YEAH
How did you meet 3?: ITS MY SISTER
Who makes you laugh?: 1,2,3,4 & 5
Who makes you smile?: 4
When was the last time you saw 4?: YESTERDAY
Would 3 and 6 make a cute couple?: NAH
Does 8 love you?: I DONT KNOW
Do you see 3 a lot?: YEAH...EVERYDAY
Describe 4 in 3 words?: ???????
What would you buy 1 for their birthday?: JIM JONES
Have you traveled anywhere with 5?: NAH
Do you have fun with 7?: YEAH
Is 2 a cool person?: YEAH
Who is the loudest?: 3
Do any of them get on your nerves sometimes?: 1,2 & 3
Do you know when 6's birthday is?: YUP...JULY 30
What do you really think of 3?: ??????
Best memory with 4?: I HAVE ALOT
Does 1 even know you?: YEAH...ITS MY SISTER
Is 5 happy?: YEAH
Does 7 live close?: NAH
Do you have any classes with 2?: NAH
Have you and 3 ever hooked up?: NO...ITS MY SISTER
Are you and 8 close?: WE IIGHT
Do you wanna kiss 4?: ONLY I WILL KNOW
Is 6 a good person?: YEAH
Does 2 own a car?: NAH
How did you choose your Top 8?: MY FAVORITE PEOPLE
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I'd like to meet:

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