computers,me(because i want to know who he is)
Me because i dont know him.
CATHERCIST, Daft Punk, Weird Al, GarthBrooks, Metalica, Disturbed, Pink Floyd, "all rock, little rap, older country, techno, comedy and ETC".and JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING is my radio staion... My Yahoo radio
StarWars, LOTR, KillBill, FightClub, Donnie Darko,Eurotrip, Interview with the Vampire, Queen of the Damn, Club Dread,Equilibrium, Matrix, Bill&Ted, WillyWonka(old and new because its trippy), PulpFiction, Jay and Silent Bob, most ANIME(too many to name),Monty Python and the Holy Grail, ....and more...
South Park, The Riches(Eddie Izzard rules), Prison Break, smallvile, Showtime's Dead Like Me(not scifi's), Heros, more ANIME(again too many to name)
WTF is a book.