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Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which

About Me

Ok...here we go. This might not make much sense...but...deal with it. My name is Talmadge. I'm 22 and I'm a musician. Anyway, I love cars, especially mine. I have a 1985 Camaro. I have a little brother named Dylan, he can be cool at times. He takes after me with his sense of humor and his love of fucking with people. I don't have any sisters, but I do have two cousins who I adore as if they were my sisters. Alyssa and Bethany. I am UBER protective of them, so if you feel the need to hurt them... lots of pain will be in your near future. I love music. I play trumpet in StereoHype . Playing in that band is the best thing I've ever done in my life. There is no bigger high than being on stage and seeing people rock out to the music you helped write. Singing the lyrics you contribute to. It's one hell of a rush. Hopefully we'll get to tour this summer and get signed. That's what I would love to do with the rest of my life, but if that doesn't work out I always have computers. I'm Windows XP certified and A+ Hardware Certified. The latter doesn't mean much without the Software cert to go along with it. I hate doin this stuff, but I figured I should actually put something meaningful in there.
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My Interests

MUSIC: that's the main one right there, computers, movies, CARS: especially mine, crotch rockets, oh yeah and did I mention music.

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I'd like to meet:

I think I'd like to meet Al Pacino and Adam Sandler. I'd also like to meet Louis Armstrong. I think he is one of the best trumpeters in the world. I would love to be as good as him one day. That's the only reason I still play. I would like to party with my Uncle Mike. He died when he was 21. I've heard some stories and I think it would be cool to party with him...

Bubble Wrap

Send me a text, but make sure you tell me who it is! Peace.


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The Harry Potter flicks, BASEketball, All fucking 6 Star Wars, Half Baked, Friday, Any Adam Sandler flick, Wedding Crashers, NINJA TURTLES FUCKER!!, Scarface, The Devil's Advocate, The American Pie series, Grind, Lords of Dogtown, Lord of the Rings, the Craft, Saw, Saw II, King Arthur, Super Troopers, Starsky and Hutch, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Mask of Zorro, Waterworld, Braveheart, Underworld, Underworld: Evoloution, Sad to admit it....Napoleon Dynamite, Dukes of Hazzard, Anchorman, 40 Yr. Old Virgin, The Majestic, The Notebook (Don't hate), The Butterfly Effect, and there's like 3486432131654983632164 more but I really don't feel like typing them all down...

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I really don't watch much TV...


The Harry Potter series, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, The DaVinci Code, 1984, Animal Farm


Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and...I'll get back to you

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power and responsibility.
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My Blog

Clyde, Clyde, Clyde...

Ok... I never post these.  I mean NEVER, but Saturday night, something horrible happened.  Clyde Holly of Holly House Productions passed away.  Of what, we still don't know.  We on...
Posted by Tally on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:03:00 PST