Reading(Hungarian litritue & American) Politics(policics of pan arab north african(al maghreb states), Hisotry of the middle east & Turkey, African military politcs and American international politcs., ESPEACAILLY POST SOVIET RUSSIAN POLITICSHISOTRY:: American hisotry including the founding of the Mormon Church. The hisotry of Swaziland and mozambique. The political hisotry of the Ottoman empire from WWI(after the collapse) RUSSIAN HISTORY AND THE HISTORY OF RUSSIAN REPUBLICS AND CIVIL CONFLICTS also: the history of the Eastern European jews science the 1950 founding of the Isreali jewish stateSWIMMING & WATERPOLO
God & Jesus Christ (obviously!) Joseph Smith Gordon B. Hinckley That guy on the Budweiser ad Tony Blair Col. Qadaffi Dan Quail Mitt Romney Someone who can tell the difference between butter and i cant beleive its not butter King Mswati of Swaziland Somebody from Lesotho An Eskimo
Jewish & yiddish music+ traditional hungarian
FAMILY GUY, The simpsons,meet the press,prime time,60 minutes.(american TV rocks)(conservative republican TV)
Shooting history-Jon Snow,The sea, John Banville, Hisotry of Ireland-FSL Lyons, -Stalin,a politcal giant-Helen Rappaport, Putins Russia,-Vladeya Kornilov. Hisotry of Modern Russia-Robert Service. The country girls-Edna o' Brien, Tarry Fyln & the green fool-Patrick Kavanagh.Empire of Communism of kim jong-il, Robert Fisk. Mustafa kemal ataturk, a political bibliography- Erdogan Simbra
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Alaxsander Kernesky,Solomon Lozovsky,Tsar Nicholas II,Ivan the terrible(Tsar of Russia),Gehard Schorder,Angela Merkel,Che Guevara,Fidel Castro Ruz,Raul Castro Ruz, Vincente Fox Queseda(President of Mexico) , Deta(hungarian rebel), Michael Collins(Irish rebel leader), King MoshoesheoII(Former King of Lesotho), Morgan Tsvangari(Leader of the Zimbabwean oppostion movement for democratic change), Jessie Rawlings(President of Ghana)