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About Me

I post movie reviews. So it goes...

My Interests

movies, philosophy, friends, music

I'd like to meet:

an electric cosmic rocker, a hero just for one day, or a man who knows he's small but enjoys living anyway


Pink Floyd, the Beatles, David Bowie, T-Rex, Roxy Music, Talking Heads, David Byrne, The Who, the Kinks, The B-52's, Devo, Prince, Beck, Queen, Bee Gees, the Smiths, Morrissey, Bjork, The Zombies, Bob Dylan, Nico, the Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, Nick Drake, Radiohead, Royksopp, The Rapture, Air, Modest Mouse, Arcade Fire, Franz Ferdinand, The Flaming Lips, Badly Drawn Boy, Broken Social Scene, Animal Collective, Sigur Ros, Aphex Twin, Lenord Cohen, John Coltrane, Beach Boys, The Doors, U2, Outkast, The Moody Blues, Can, Yo La Tengo, Brian Eno, Wilco, The Stooges, Nick Cave, New York Dolls, Van Morrison, Mr. Bungle, Neutral Milk Hotel, Michael Jackson, Richard Hell, Gang of Four, Serge Gainsbourg, Spoon, the Decemberists, the Microphones, ELO, Coldplay, Bob Marley, Sex Pistols, the Police, Daft Punk, The White Stripes, Low, Pixies, Sufjan Stevens, Parliament, MC5, The Fiery Furnaces, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Felix da Housecat, Kraftwerk, Nino Rota, James Brown, Gnarls Barkley, X-Ray Specks, Love, Big Star, The Byrds, Laurie Anderson


8 1/2, La Dolce Vita, Fellini Satyricon, Fellini's Roma, Nights of Cabiria, La Strada (everything by Fellini minus The White Sheik), Stop Making Sense, The Sacrifice, Solaris, Stalker, Nostalgia, Eyes Wide Shut, Heart of Glass, Nosferatu, Aguirre: the Wrath of God, Woyzeck, Lessons of Darkness, Fitzcarraldo, Herdsmen of the Sun, Moulin Rouge, The Royal Tenembaums, Modern Times, The Circus, City Lights, The Kid, F.W. Murnau's Faust, Murnau's Nosferatu, That Obscure Object of Desire, Cremaster 3: The Order, Star Wars Episode 3, THX 1138, The Manchurian Candidate, In the Mood for Love, 2046, Chungking Express, Naked Lunch, The Fly, Existenz, Videodrome, A History of Violence, Breathless, Masculin Feminin, Blue, Manhattan, Annie Hall, Deconstructing Harry, Interiors, Singin' in the Rain, Dogville, Breaking the Waves, The 5 Obstructions, Blowup, L'Eclisse, The Passenger, Heaven's Gate, Metropolis, High Noon, Dead Man, Labyrinth, Perceval, Persona, Cries and Whispers, Lost in Translation, The Blood of a Poet, Orpheus, Hiroshima Mon Amor, Ordet, The Passion of Joan of Arc, Aladdin, Ace Venture: Pet Detective, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Spinal Tap, A Princess Bride, Raising Arizona, Barton Fink, Dracula: Pages from a Virgins Diary, Archangel, Sky Blue, Spirited Away, I Heart Huckabees, The Matrix, Cool Runnings, Lawrence of Arabia, Cache, Carnivore, Mon Oncle, Playtime, The Prestige, Empire of the Sun, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, American Psycho, Planet of the Apes, Blade Runner, Schizopolis, Bubble, Army of Shadows, The Thin Blue Line, The Thin Red Line, Badlands, Children of Men, Memories of Underdevelopment, Russian Arc, Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors, Wild at Heart, Eraserhead, Muholland Drive, Celine and Julie go Boating, the Umbrellas of Cherbourg, All About My Mother, A Woman Under the Influence, The Wiz, A Man Without a Face, Woman in the Dunes, 3:10 to Yuma, Bug, Crocodile Dundee, Rocky Horror Picture Show, If..., Mike Leigh's Naked, The Assanation of Jesse James, There Will be Blood, Punch-Drunk Love, Zardoz


Mythbusters, The Fairly Odd Parents, Seinfeld, Three's Company, Family Guy


Bible, Anna Karennina, The Death of Ivan Illyich, The Sickness Unto Death, Works of Love, Fear and Trembling, Notes from Underground, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Faust, Madame Bovary, Cats Cradle, Slaughterhouse V, Deadeye Dick, The Sun Also Rises, Metamorphosis, The Hunger Artist, In The Penal Colony, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Lord of the Rings, The Time Machine, The Little Prince, Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Catcher in the Rye, 1984, Kinski Uncut: The Autobiography of Klaus Kinski, Swanns Way, Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, A Tale of Two Cities, Who was David Weiser?, 200 Days of 8 1/2, The Brothers Karamazov, The Sranger, The Brave New World


David Byrne, David Bowie, Federico Fellini, Werner Herzog, Jesus, Fydor Dostoevsky, Soren Kierkegaard, Charlie Chaplin, Klaus Kinski

My Blog

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008, Nick Stoller, USA) ***

           To my dismay, Forgetting Sarah Marshall beings with all the college student movies clichés. A boy comically brushes his teeth in the mirro...
Posted by Kristen on Sat, 17 May 2008 10:19:00 PST

Speedracer (2008, Wachowski Brothers, USA) ****

           Speedracer is to me what Iron Man was to a lot of people- pure entertainment. No, Speedracer does not have much complexity or depth but I w...
Posted by Kristen on Sat, 17 May 2008 10:41:00 PST

A Boy and his Dog (1975, L.Q. Jones, USA) ***

           I just saw the amazingly bizarre A Boy and his Dog. Set in apocalyptic earth after WWIV, Vic (Don Johnson) telepathically communicates...
Posted by Kristen on Sat, 17 May 2008 09:36:00 PST

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964, Jacques Demy, France) ****

It's hard to know where to being to begin to describe my personal reaction to this movie but it helped me to understand a deep tragedy in my life- in the views I had adopted. Maybe it helped me to rea...
Posted by Kristen on Sat, 17 May 2008 04:31:00 PST

The White Diamond (2004, Werner Herzog, Germany) **1/2

             Herzog meanders through his own clichés in this bizarre and unfortunately substandard documentary. In The White Diamond, Herzog and c...
Posted by Kristen on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:01:00 PST

Iron Man (2008, Jon Favreau, USA) *1/2

Iron Man- A masturbatory conservative fantasy under liberal guise              The previews give way to the awaited event. The marvel logo appears...
Posted by Kristen on Sun, 04 May 2008 12:55:00 PST

Madadayo (1993, Akira Kurasawa, Japan) ***

To my dismay, the first hour of the movie felt like the last ten minutes of Dead Poets Society. Madadayo begins with a beloved Professor's announcement of retirement. The students proceed to praise th...
Posted by Kristen on Thu, 01 May 2008 01:35:00 PST

Malcolm X (1992, Spike Lee, USA) **

             I preface this review by saying that my criticism is of the movie (art) made by renowned filmmaker Spike Lee and is in no way meant t...
Posted by Kristen on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 02:54:00 PST

Zodiac (2007, David Fincher, USA) **1/2

             The omnipotent killer strikes again in David Fincher's Zodiac. The big movies of 2007 such as Best Picture Winner No Country for Old ...
Posted by Kristen on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 03:53:00 PST

The Best Movies of 2007

10. Memories of Tomorrow (Technically 2006, but limited release and I saw it in 2007)- Superior movie to Away from Her about Alzheimers.9. Walk Hard- The Dewey Cox Story8. I'm Not There7. No Country f...
Posted by Kristen on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 06:59:00 PST