Moms primarily. Yep soccer moms single moms NASCAR moms any type of mom really.ThE OfFice!!!mullets, getting dirty, hockey RED WINGS!!! , anything Michigan, road trips, 4 day vacations, coffee, giving Ian shit about his age, giving the worm shit about his eyes, watching the office, karaoke, darts, pool, anything involving going to the bar really, my dog likes to run into shit so i chase him around sometimes.not letting this ever happen to me ..
already met himwell this guy too,this totally rad video right below this text took place in my parking lot and the female voice is none other than "the linda"
radiohead, modest mouse, neutral milk hotel, dj shadow, broken social scene, the mars volta,PHIL COLLINS = WORST ARTIST EVER!!!
ever wonder what flight school is really like?
The Office, Grey's Anatomy, Earl
cat's cradle, slaughterhouse five, sun also rises
the gotch saree cliffhanger captain stubin peg, the linda , lainer misty and john, worm this guythe most tenacious little mann since The Master himselfsister Kelli likes to dress up WYLIE!steve and becsand this rock star Chanchita Chaps and the tiny gentleman in the black and brown suit