Emily profile picture


hmm i got nothin...get back to ya

My Interests


anything and everything (if i say rap, im not ghetto enough which doesn't matter b/c rap isn't realli my thing anyway, and if i say rock, im a poser)--oh, what a tangled web we weave


omg ok Hero was the GREATEST MOVIE EVER!!! also i love Amelie, Princess Bride (not Princess Blade...that movie's just nasty...nasty and wrong and violent!,) LOTR: FOTR, TTT, ROTK (if you're as nerdy as i am, you totally got that message,) X-Men, and X-2 (X-2 was better), H and K go to White Castle was REALLI funny Cary Elwes is (read: WAS) hott


long live Daria, forever in our hearts


looooooooooove books....nope, still nothin (my mind is blank today)


Samarra...and magical trevor!

My Blog

today was a boring day

ugh so bored, out sick todayy. ill be back tomorrow...
Posted by Emily on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST