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This cow was born in a slaughter house and will die because of our selfish desire to eat meat. She will know nothing except fear, torture, and death. Chances are that she's never even breathed fresh air or was given the chance to create normal social relationships. If you don't believe that these animals don't suffer then all you need to do is look into her eyes. You can see her pain. When we eat meat this is what we are allowing to happen. Those "happy cows" you see on tv are a LIE. EVERY living being should be allowed the simple right to life. We should all have the right to the "pursuit of happiness" Why do we justify taking away that basic right to animals. What makes their lives so less valuable then ours? We would never do this to a human. Think about it! I mean, really. Sit down and think about it.
I'm a very compassionate person, that wants to do everything I can to make this world a better place, even if it's just with one good deed at a time. I hold myself to a very high moral standard, and try to live my life by doing what I think is right. I believe in equality and fighting for the rights of others who don't have a voice to defend themselves. Particularly animals. We are all animals and I think sometimes we get too smart and seem to forget that.