I like to work, and chill with my friends.
I would like to meet Morgan Freeman because he is an amazing actor and my favorite of all time.
Unk - 2 Step (Shorter Version)
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I listen to Just about any music if it sounds good to me but my top two favorite groups are linkin park-jay-z and dem franchize boys. That song "i think they like me" just makes me go crazy.
My favorite movies are 2 fast 2 furious, gone in sixty seconds, and both saw 1 and 2.
Hosted at MySpaceNow.com
Hosted at MySpaceNow.com
Now, Dont think im a fag or anything but my favorite tv show is the real world. I dont know what it is. I just get into it way to easy.
My favorite books are Tuesdays with morrie, the giver, hatchet, and goose bump books. I also get into those books by Stephen King.
My hero is my father. I just think he desrves much better than what hes getting and thats all im going to say on that subject.