PJ profile picture


Nothing Crushes Us.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Linnea & Jimmy Reese, Sueleen Gay, Cephus & Reesie, Evelyn Ames.


please driiiiive..slooooow...i've never been this way befooooore...


midnight cowboy, ed wood, the king of comedy, paper moon, over the edge, fire walk with me, pinocchio, nashville, i shot andy warhol, ruthless people.


a confederacy of dunces...pretty sad. only one stinking book...well, if you know me well enough to gauge whether or not your recommendation(s) will suit my fancy, by all means holler. i feel like i'm well read, but i could probably stand to read a little more.


sarah connor (straight stroungfin' with that gold elite!)friendlies.

My Blog

Team Eat Your Asshole Alive!

A blog about another blog....I'm so bummed I missed this! Last weekend, my girls (Nicky, Tattiya, Michy, Patti & Adriana) participated in the LA Scavenger Hunt. Inspired by their favorite failed chi...
Posted by PJ on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:57:00 PST


A couple weekends ago, some Friends & I went to a Civil War Re-Enactment. I probably told most of you about it, so at this point, aside from saying this shit ruled (so, so hard), I'll let the visuals...
Posted by PJ on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:28:00 PST

Thank You.

To my friends who made it through the Unitard Eclipse Experience and lived to tell about it: the B.U.M. Revolution begins today (we can't reveal the acronym just yet). Also, I am ready for my Urban W...
Posted by PJ on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 11:51:00 PST