I love music. Getting online. Hanging out at the mall. Being with my friends.
Me and my baby Brandon.
Me and Brandon again.
Haha. Me and Brandon again.
Me and Kat.
Me and my love Cadyy.
Me and alex. My blood brother.
Me and alex again.
Me and Justin.
I know. Im awesome.
Wow. Dont I look cool?
Me at the mall.
Mhm. Me again.
Haha. Me doing some Yoga. Mhm Im cool.
I love dressing up.
The Spill Canvas and Fall Out Boy are my two favoritees. Just about anything that sounds good, I can get into. 3
The Goonies is my favorite. :o)
Just about anything on Cartoon Network. 3
Have You Ever...
Been on a train: Nope.
Been on a plane: Yeah.
Caused a car accident: No. But I hit a mailbox once.
Run into a wall: Lol. Not that I know of.
Burned a potato chip: Duh. Since I cook my chips and everything?
Been drunk: Sure havent
Been high: Negative.
Broken the law: Ohh, sure have.
Burned a cd (if yes, the one above is a yes too): No, I dont know how.
Kissed someone of opposite sex: Sure have.
Kissed someone of same sex: Hmm. Yeeep.
Frenched an animal: Lol. Thats fucking gross.
Had an online relationship: No.
Loved: Sure. Iv been in love. ..
Made yourself cry: Sure have.
Cried in public: When my mom wouldnt get me something. Haha.
Cried over a movie: Not that I can remember.
Fallen asleep in a movie theater: Nope, neverr.
Been to a boarding school: Hmm. Is that for rich people?
Been home-schooled: Noo. That would be boring.
Lost a valuable item: Probably, yeah.
Bungee jumped: No. I was going to but I had to be 18.
Skied: Haha. I sucked.
Met the president: No. Id probably shot him though.
Met a celebrity: Hmm. Spill Canvas and Fall Out Boy.
Gotten a cavity: Eww. Nope.
Made a prank call: Haha. Good times.
Skipped School: Havent we all?
Faked sick to get out of school: Sure have.
Bought something you knew wouldn't fit: Shirt. It was really cute.
Climed a tree: When I was little.
Fallen from a tree: Dont think so.
Broken a bone: Negative.
Sprained anything: My pinky.
Passed out: Haha, yess.
Made yourself pass out: Huh?
Been to Disney World: Sure havent. I wiish.
Been to a theme park (not disney): Yeeep.
Me and my audrey baby.
Me and audrey baby again.