|| Tahlia || profile picture

|| Tahlia ||

Well there's a million other girls who do it just like you...

About Me

I'm Tahlia. Yup that's right... Tar-Lee-Uh.
And I wish you were here with me.
I'm 18, pretty short and pretty confident. Got a face full of Freckles which I love. I'm sarcastic, learn to love it, it wont change. I have little common sense. I do say stupid things and I do talk without thinking. I'm at University in Chichester, yeah it's pretty great. I miss home though and everyone there. Come see me if you like :]
I hate Big Brother. I hate mushrooms. I love
getting voicemail messages from him and pissing my self laughing. And I love walking places with my iPod on, totally oblivious to anything around me.
If U eVr TyPe LyK DiS then you deserve to be shot. I will assume you're an idiot and it's unlikely I'll talk to you.
Learn to spell okay.
I've been waiting..
Waiting for the day I'd be over you.
12/10 - Going to Ormskirk.
15/10 - Rave with Kate in Preston.
19/10 - Home from Uni.
22/10 - Bowling for Soup.
23/10 - Sisters 16th.
24/10 - Going to Ormskirk.
29/10 - Back to Uni.
20/12 - Finish Uni for Christmas.
21/01 - Back to Uni.
Sarah ♥
She's the only person I trust with everything, she means more to me then anyone I've ever met. I hate being so far away from her, I miss her like mad, but I know she's still there for me. And I'm still here for her. No matter how far away, she's still my best friend. I love her :] MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Current song on repeat: Not Sorry - Terra Naomi

If you come running back to me I'll be here waiting
Cause I still believe in a love worth saving;
Try all you like, I know you can't deny how right it feels.

I'd like to meet:


I'm always reading. Anything and Everything:
One Under
The Take
Angels passing
Area 7
The Contest
Cut to black
Then all the soppy romantic ones that always have happy endings.


Heroes? Just wicked friends actually.
Sarah. Kate. Lois. Adam. Amy. Stevi. Ben. Bonna. Louisa. Stevens. Ross. AmyCat. Stuart. Chris.

There's this guy right, he'll know who he is, No one compares to him, it'll take a hell of a lot for any guy to ever come close. He means absolutely eveything to me.
'You just fit with me Tahlia, we're like two pieces of a jigsaw'
He's right y'know :]

My Blog

London with Sarah.

It was fandabbytastic =] Here are some picture, mostly of places we went. Pricktease. It all started here. On a nice sunny day.   Then we got here, We had some cuffle on the train with a ticke...
Posted by || Tahlia || on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 12:35:00 PST

Fill in the Blanks...

Fill in the blanks. Go on, You know you want to.. I _____ TahliaTahlia is _____Tahlia needs ______I want to _____ Tahlia               &...
Posted by || Tahlia || on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 02:33:00 PST


Here are some rather sexeh pictures from Barcelona! Barcelona was fantastic! Thanks every one for a great week! Especially you Rohan! x...
Posted by || Tahlia || on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 07:21:00 PST

...My Birthday...

Aw it was a much fun night! Thank you all so much it was so good i had a great time Here are some pics, and a story along the way Well first, we got on the train, It was delayed so we took some pict...
Posted by || Tahlia || on Sat, 13 May 2006 01:41:00 PST