Gpc profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with some shitty html thing I stole off the net !

I am a 20 something Punker, been in the scene for most of my life now, done a few bands, done a couple decent tours, got a few indie records out there. Mindlisp, The Smerves, T.S.R., Dogbreath, and currently Samm's Choice, and LOWBORN. Samm's Choice just moved out west from middle america, and we are looking for a drummer so we can finish up a record we stared a while back. Lowborn is an oldschool punk band that I joined as sort of a side project, but We are having alot of fun so who knows where it will lead. Look for us to be playing a Seattle suburb near you. I am that guy that owns all the gear (including a tour bus) and I just wanna go out and live the music. I dont want to have a job anymore, I just wanna go out and play.Also I am a devoted husband, and father. I think family is a very serious thing, and I try to put my family first in everything..

My Interests

I am interested in all sorts of random shit. I have adhd. wanna ride bikes??? Punk, music, touring, old cars, my VW's, old bikes, things that go fast, pretty women, fast woemn, things that are pretty fast, fixin stuff, polotics, computers, free downloads, porn, BEER... I dunno...I have alot of interests, and alot of hobbies...right now this very second I am most interested in making some drug free punk rock friends to hang out with that live here in my town.CHEERS

I'd like to meet:

Anyone in the West Coast Punk Scene. (pop and emo bands dont count) I am looking for a new drummer for Samm's Choice, so if you happen to not suck at drums).. I dunno I like to meet new people and stuff, but I have honestly had my fill of posers, and asswholes in life. Who do I want to meet???? I'd like to meet some REAL people that arent afraid to be themselves, and dont judge a book by its cover. Mostly I am interested in meeting other musicians, and some punks that live near me.

Hostile Skies

Shoot Ze germans


This one is fun


Mostly punk, bands like The Dead Kennedys, Dropkick Murphys, Sex pistols, NOFX, Guttermouth, The Casualties..Etc. I am pretty diverse about punk.. I like alot of it.. Good Charlotte, and blink 182, and sum 41 are NOT punk bands btw, they are what we like to call "POSERS" they pretend to be something, and if they try hard enough; they get money...not cool. I am a true music lover though, I have gigs & gigs of mp3's, I listen to everything from Beetoven on up.. not a big fan of rap, or new r&b, and Never liked country, but some oldschool rock, or mississippi blues can do alot when the time is right.


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Television: you gotta check this shit out


The guy that invented the slinky, and the guy that invented the up-escalator.. two things that are alot of fun together

My Blog

makin fun of emo kids....funny video

Posted by Gpc on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 10:39:00 PST

Paused Video

 So, I finally got around to posting the Video that we made for Samm's Choice tune  "paused".  Its not at all like any of the other songs that we wrote or recorded, but its got its own charm.      Kar...
Posted by Gpc on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 08:05:00 PST

Dropping like flies

     So another good friend passed away this Thursday night 07/26/07.  Jessica Emerson Died the other night in a Car accident.  If I remove my immediate feelings of anger...
Posted by Gpc on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 01:56:00 PST

grrrr fucking emo

AAAARRRGGGGG!!!!!          I am getting so fed up with all this Emo bullshit!  O.k. it was one thing when screeching Weasel did the Emo record.. and yeah, they...
Posted by Gpc on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:28:00 PST

goth/Emo bands and Watership down

So,A few years ago.. like 1998 or so I got into this band AFI they were pretty good... kinda trendy, but a bit hardcore, but definately a decent punk rock band... as time went by they sold out and got...
Posted by Gpc on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 08:55:00 PST

update and a rant

So I guess its been a while since I have written a rant or an update or anything like that on this fuckin myspace thing... so here goes.... First and foremost let me point out, that I am not in the mo...
Posted by Gpc on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 06:26:00 PST

picture guessing game

GRRRRRR  I have been moderated....      I posted these awesome pictures.. and I was making a neat littel game... guess who owns the orafice.... but some ninny out there decide...
Posted by Gpc on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 11:52:00 PST

Rancid/Aquabats show

So I went to go see Rancid and the aquabats on wednesday..    We didnt have tickets because I wasnt sure I was going to get the time off of work, so We were going nuts trying to find some.. ...
Posted by Gpc on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 03:34:00 PST

gas rant

     ok theres a thing going around my-space, and e-mails and such; asking people to boycott EXXON/Mobil gas companies. In hops of creating a price war, and therfore lowering the c...
Posted by Gpc on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:27:00 PST

Change the world

Hey everyone....      Samm's Choice (My Band) has joined this contest to hopefully play the ernie ball stage on warped this...
Posted by Gpc on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 10:07:00 PST