The Breaks are a Punk Trio from the South Sound who have drank more beer and smoked more unfiltered ciggerettes during rehersals than they have played music. It shows in the lack luster mechanics of original tunes like My Gold Fish Are Evil, and Tight Rope, two favorites on myspace.
The band was formed when the three played Debbie Gibson and Tiffany covers for the first three practices before they stumbled upon a battle of the bands in Perth Austrailia from which they left victorious. From that competiton they brought home some used musical equipment, including a drumset, a Mexican Strat, and a Huffy Bass guitar.
Nick, who is a Sanitation Engineer in his real life, runs the band by threat leadership, assuring each other member that failure or even mediocrity will result in humiliation, physical punishment, or even more tyranical, beer stoppage.
The Breaks have been in a lengthy court battle recently after the Bevarian government extridited thier mail-order bass-man Commodore Murder. As we speak, a crack team of top secret squirrels is infiltrating the streussel hut where he is enslaved and are fighting to free him. Hopes are not high however, and it's possible that The Breaks will be Bassless in Seattle.
Rickenbacker, who is unemployable, was found yelling uncontrolably, running around in a circle after having his left foot nailed to the garage floor by his adoring wife. Nick simply removed the nail from the floor and replaced it with a shackle to the drum-kit. His continuous blabbering is now controlled by electrical impulses, by way of a foot switch.