Good and Plenty!
I wanna meet the world! And learn them what I've been taught. And thumb through their thoughts and learn me what has been lost. I am who I am because of those who came before me, and I rise because I respect what you know and want to share with me. After we physically finish growing, we can only grow with the knowledge gained and learned. All that I have I am willing to share, with the same respects that we can grow together... So lets meet, GOD BLESS!!!
Raggae, Jazz, R&B, Hip-Hop Junkie...
Lucky Number Sleven, Love Jones, and anything I'm in
Anything that I'm in... And on the real, that Grey's Anatomy is like that!!!
Miles Davis' Autobiography & Souls of Black folks-W.E.B.Dubois
Weldon Maddox, my engineering professor! RIP Big Homie!