J. Quali profile picture

J. Quali

Everybody loves a little CHOCOLATE!!!

About Me

The line in-betweenThere’s a time and place for everything And tonight, everything will take place within my mind While erasing time exploring each other in thought Venturing to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses With Poetry— We stand on a plateau That’s highly intellectual, philosophical And gauged by unconventional imagination With every rotation of the globe You add more vibrance and color To this tattooed picture of you in my mind’s view And then like a strobe… Light you disappear And it’s unclear when that day approach and I hold you nearWith your afro-centric thick lips and twisted hair Well put together but moves around like it was done with little careIf I were in charge of completing this picture of you The only other thing I’d add is me next to you A symbiosis of two things together like crazy glueIt’s almost like I excited that glow from within That just stepped out of you And created an intricate entanglement of two Two, me and you, yo’mamma and cousins too Because they responsible for creating this complex specie That being youIn mind and spirit it will be me times two But never that physically because your hips and thighs separate me from you That curvaceous and swiggly line you posses booAnd then I began to write this picture similar to Love Jones With hopes that these words would send a tremble beneath your Mocha Brown under tone Then ricochet into your sides and finds that heart as a homeUMM, that feels good… And what’s good to me is good to you And it’s the same good that’s understood So what’s good?I’ll tell you…You in front of me Your back against my front Bodies pressed up against each other so tight With you wrapped inside of me Got me screaming and moaning You are so…so… Amazing!I am the sun, I am life, I am who I am J. Quali…I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Good and Plenty!

I'd like to meet:

I wanna meet the world! And learn them what I've been taught. And thumb through their thoughts and learn me what has been lost. I am who I am because of those who came before me, and I rise because I respect what you know and want to share with me. After we physically finish growing, we can only grow with the knowledge gained and learned. All that I have I am willing to share, with the same respects that we can grow together... So lets meet, GOD BLESS!!!


Raggae, Jazz, R&B, Hip-Hop Junkie...


Lucky Number Sleven, Love Jones, and anything I'm in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FANJ52TbLeI


Anything that I'm in... And on the real, that Grey's Anatomy is like that!!!


Miles Davis' Autobiography & Souls of Black folks-W.E.B.Dubois


Weldon Maddox, my engineering professor! RIP Big Homie!

My Blog

To be or not to be...

This stemmed from a woman saying "orgasms are over-rated!" I say...  Orgasm- never over-rated, just not blown with the right person...  Sex itself has to be more than just the physicalities ...
Posted by J. Quali on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 09:08:00 PST