Street bikes Dirt bikes Camping Carpentry,Building stuff, Basically anything with my hands( No I'm not talking about that get your mind out of the gutter) Out door stuff Learning more about people and meeting new people
Cool people who are real no matter who they are with or are talking to........
Just about anything.Except country.You know what happens when you play country music Backwards...........You get your house back,your dog comes back, you get your truck back and your wife comes back!!!!! (It's a joke think about it!!)Well,Ok maybe some newer country .But, lets not push it........
Horror movies;suspence movies;w/ the right person love stories..
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Lots of cook books.. Escoffier cook book , Larouse Gastronomic ( I think I miss spelt that Oh Well),Italian ingredients, etc.......
Yes, I know it sounds really stupid but, Mommy and Daddy. They helped get me where I am today!! Also, people who on a daily basis overcome thier own personal struggles.May the be internal or external.And can still function as a productive part of society..WoW, that sounds really deep, where did I ever pull that out of...