Jamie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i am pretty much the bee's knees. seriously, i rule. i'm very self-conscious, but i'd like to think it's endearing. i'm graceful like a giraffe. when i say "dude" i'm really being sincerrrrre.i have a page with lots o' pictures on it. www.flickr.com/photos/jamieleighmcgeorge

My Interests

schadenfreude. koreans. counting syllables on my fingers. viactiv. the elasticity of demand. being awkward. cheetos (the crunchy ones). windsurfing and deep sea diving. charmingly botched english translations. squid jerky. jacket weather. cheese. "please" "thank you" "bless you". flashcards. soup. banter (preferably witty). mi familia. drinking beer in the shower.

I'd like to meet:

the guys from mythbusters. people who aren't douchebags. your mom.


probably the same stuff you like. or maybe not. anything julie and rory tell me to listen to. pretty much in non-stop dirty three mode right now, with some lassie foundation, favourite sons, colin hare, rogue wave, twin atlas, miracle fortress and blonde redhead sprinkled in there for good measure. also been listening to a lot of old u2, for some reason. the all-time faves would be stevie wonder, stephin merritt, will oldham and jason molina.


Diary of a Mad Black Woman


30 Rock. Weeds. Law and Order (any incarnation). Dog The Bounty Hunter. Futurama. AquaTeen. Arrested Development. Sledgehammer. The Office (Bri'ish and American versions). Dirty Jobs. Shows on the Discovery Channel about lobster or crab fishing. This, of course, back in the days of American tv and the lost art of channel surfing. tv-links will suffice.


a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. skinnybones. fernando pessoa. john cheever. raymond carver. flannery o'connor. anything mcsweeney's related. eugenio de montale. eugenio andrade. authors named eugenio. romance language people. short stories and poems are ideal. i have a limited attention span and can be a bit narcoleptic. i'm not sleeping, i'm "resting my eyes." these days rainer maria rilke and saul bellow are rocking my socks off.


people with gumption. eric carle. bill murray. stephen mitchell. carl anderson. huey.

My Blog

pastry politics

my school is in the same building as a dunkin donuts.  during the summer all the teachers here went to dunkin donuts religiously, particularly for the tasty and refreshing grapefruit coolatas.&nb...
Posted by Jamie on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 01:52:00 PST

the face of the earth, and how i’ve fallen off it.

i sort of feel like i've fallen off the face of the earth.  i guess i should have taken preventative measures...  i think i'm living a different, extremely isolated version of korea tha...
Posted by Jamie on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 08:50:00 PST

excitement. well, not really.

this past week could arguably have been the most boring week of my entire life.  i guess that's easy to say now, since i'm still in the thick of it.  anyhoo, this all due to some minor probl...
Posted by Jamie on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 09:06:00 PST

life affirming moments

just when i think everything has gone to shit, i get in a taxi in ilsan, south korea and the friendly long-haired driver surprises me with a bill withers cassette tape.  and it's no bil...
Posted by Jamie on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 10:25:00 PST

halloweenies. i think i used that same subject line last year in a halloween-related blog.

so i've been busy lately--lots of editing, writing and drawing/painting shitty pictures that entertain me waaaay more than logic should allow.  i do, however, have one relatively significant nug...
Posted by Jamie on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 06:30:00 PST

things that suck...

being late and public speaking.  those are two things that suck.  particularly when the forces of nature conspire against you and they happen at the same time. combined with the fa...
Posted by Jamie on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 08:18:00 PST

ol twitchy arm

yup, my right shoulder done been twitching for a solid 12 hours.  i don't know why this happens.  seems to never happen to the left side.  sometimes my eye will twitch too, mostly when ...
Posted by Jamie on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 07:23:00 PST

very low key on the profile

i guess it's probably worth mentioning that i'm about 50% out of the funk i found myself in post-vacation.  other than that, not much to report.  really, nothing at all.  oh, except th...
Posted by Jamie on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:18:00 PST

i went to china! also, brevitys for pussies!

whoa hoa, china grove!!!!  Well, here it is.  My trip to china in a long-winded nutshell.    I guess a bit of a preface here.  The chuseok holiday in korea marks a solid ye...
Posted by Jamie on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 07:16:00 PST

so it’s raining. what’s new

it's typhoon weather here in the korea, and elsewhere in asia, i guess.  which means lots o' heavy rainfall, minus a feeling that i'm going to die.  so i guess it's good to NOT be in a ...
Posted by Jamie on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 09:22:00 PST