schadenfreude. koreans. counting syllables on my fingers. viactiv. the elasticity of demand. being awkward. cheetos (the crunchy ones). windsurfing and deep sea diving. charmingly botched english translations. squid jerky. jacket weather. cheese. "please" "thank you" "bless you". flashcards. soup. banter (preferably witty). mi familia. drinking beer in the shower.
the guys from mythbusters. people who aren't douchebags. your mom.
probably the same stuff you like. or maybe not. anything julie and rory tell me to listen to. pretty much in non-stop dirty three mode right now, with some lassie foundation, favourite sons, colin hare, rogue wave, twin atlas, miracle fortress and blonde redhead sprinkled in there for good measure. also been listening to a lot of old u2, for some reason. the all-time faves would be stevie wonder, stephin merritt, will oldham and jason molina.
Diary of a Mad Black Woman
30 Rock. Weeds. Law and Order (any incarnation). Dog The Bounty Hunter. Futurama. AquaTeen. Arrested Development. Sledgehammer. The Office (Bri'ish and American versions). Dirty Jobs. Shows on the Discovery Channel about lobster or crab fishing. This, of course, back in the days of American tv and the lost art of channel surfing. tv-links will suffice.
a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. skinnybones. fernando pessoa. john cheever. raymond carver. flannery o'connor. anything mcsweeney's related. eugenio de montale. eugenio andrade. authors named eugenio. romance language people. short stories and poems are ideal. i have a limited attention span and can be a bit narcoleptic. i'm not sleeping, i'm "resting my eyes." these days rainer maria rilke and saul bellow are rocking my socks off.
people with gumption. eric carle. bill murray. stephen mitchell. carl anderson. huey.