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When the pain of where you are is greater than the fear of the unknown.....only then... will change

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.. GA. FL. GAME 1980 AT THE OLD GATOR BOWL!!!!! ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS PLAYS IN COLLEGE FOOTBALL HISTORY!!!! AND I WAS THERE!!! .......... ........HARD FN LIVIN MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER. DANCIN WITH THE DEVIL AND PLAYIN WITH THIEVES. WOW I FINALLY GREW UP AT 36........FUCK ITS BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. ..http://myspace956.vo.llnwd.net/00519/65/96/519076956_m.jpg >.. .. .. .. .. MyGen Profile Generator

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2008 Football Schedule Wednesday, 02 January 2008 Date Opponent Location Time (ET) Sat, Apr 05 G-Day Athens, Ga. TBA Sat, Aug 30 Georgia Southern Athens, Ga. TBA Sat, Sep 06 Central Michigan Athens, Ga. TBA Sat, Sep 13 South Carolina * at Columbia, S.C. TBA Sat, Sep 20 Arizona State at Tempe, Ariz. TBA Sat, Sep 27 Alabama * Athens, Ga TBA Sat, Oct 11 Tennessee * Athens, Ga. TBA Sat, Oct 18 Vanderbilt - Homecoming * Athens, Ga. TBA Sat, Oct 25 LSU * at Baton Rouge, La. TBA Sat, Nov 01 Florida * at Jacksonville, Fla. TBA Sat, Nov 08 Kentucky * at Lexington, Ky. TBA Sat, Nov 15 Auburn * at Auburn, Ala. TBA Sat, Nov 29 Georgia Tech Athens, Ga. TBA....
........ .. .. ..MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC & SELF LOATHING In lake park <?img> .... .... .. .. ..
You Are 72% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?

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www.a-choice-bit-of-calico-jewelry-designs.com ..<?IMG>........HANK WILLIAMS SR. .. ..
Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com >.. ..IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CHECK OUT SOME OF THE SHIT I CALL MUSIC..... CLICK ON THE OTHER PHOTO OF ME BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


............................................................ ......................................................LUCIND A WILLIAMS, THE DAMNWELLS. LANEY STRICKLAND, SOCIAL, DEAD BOYS, WILLIE ,JOHNNY, JENNINGS, PAYCHECK, ALK TRIO, HOT WATER, SPARTA, IRON MAIDEN, SABBATH. OH THERES ONLY THREE THINGS FROIM ENGLAND THAT ARE WORTH A SHIT................................IRON MAIDEN BLACK SABBATH AND AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. ..


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....24 ..


QUOTE BY CLIFF CLAVIN.... "Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers." WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not.ANYTHING WITH NUDITY ..


my mom ..I have heard some people who don't like the current administration (or anything that they do) because they are afraid of the "christian" right. I would just like to address this by saying that, first, take a tally of all the republicans (or republican leaning) people that you know...how many of them are "christians" or more to the point the type of "christians" that push their religion on you. Secondly, if you are scared of what the christians might do to make your life miserable...think for a second how miserable your life will be after you vote in a good, safe, non-denominational democrat, and they give up on the war on terror. When the jihadists are running the show on a worldwide basis you'll wish that the southern baptists were still calling the shots. Lastly, if you are worried about people telling you how to live your life...take a long, hard look at the other option...the democrats are ALL about telling people how to run their lives...does anyone remember the PMRC, and Tipper Gore...for God's sake...she was almost the First Lady. If that thought doesn't scare the (expleteive deleted) out of you, then nothing should.Now that I have gotten that little rant out of the way...let's get to the real point here...the international jihadist movement. We are in a war here, folks...I know that it is hard to fathom, what with all of the lax governmental policy. YES...I said LAX...look back throughout the history of warfare. NOT ONE right of US citizens has been suspended, revoked, or even trod upon to this point in the war on terror. I know that there are a lot of loudmouths out there who say otherwise; however, look at it from this point...during almost every other war that the US has been involved in, those same loudmouthed jerks would have been thrown in jail by now for saying the things that they are saying...it is because they still have civil rights that they are free to spew-off at the mouth about a bunch of bullshit...most of them are doing so for their own self interest. I mean, come on, this is the most press that Alec Baldwin has had for eons. If you go back through the history of warfare in America, you'll find Sedition Acts, outright suspensions of civil rights, and Presidents who walked all over the Bill of Rights to get the job done. During the Civil War, Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus (which states that a civilian prisoner must be charged with a crime in order to be held by police). When the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court made a decision that Lincoln had overstepped his Presidential Authority in suspending that particular civil right, Lincoln threatened to have the Cheif Justice arrested, and went on about his business. It was something that had to be done in order for the US to carry on a war. During WWII, the Alien and Sedition Acts allowed the government to carry out the war effectively...oh yes, and by the way...that one was signed by the greatest of Democrats FDR. The people who are bitching and moaning about violations of civil rights during war time are mostly people who have no understanding of what it takes to carry out a war..hell, i'm convinced these folks could not win their own battle with bad breath, much less an international battle against fanatics bent on turning every household on the planet into a muslim holy place. By the way, you know that IS the ultimate goal of the lunatics, RIGHT? The way that these folks interpret the language in their holy texts, EVERY HOUSEHOLD ON THE PLANET will be muslim just previous to the ENDTIMES. That's right...these jerks believe that it is their duty to bring about the end of the world by turning us all into muslims...even if they have to do it by force. And they won't stop until one of two things happens; 1) they suceed, or 2) they are killed.Now let's get down to the real business here...the war on terrorism. When we went to war in Afghanistan, we were not at war WITH Afghanistan...we were taking the war to the terrorists. When we did so...they fled. When they fled, we needed to bring them to a central location so that we could continue killing those cowardly bastards. What better place to lure jihadists than an invaded arab country...say...Iraq. Of course we can't just announce our strategy on a loudspeaker (I am sure that most of you have played Risk before, and know that you must keep your strategy to yourself if you want to win), but we needed to get Saddam out of power anyway, so that became the target. Yes, yes, I know that the new argument is that we should have been paying more attention to North Korea, but if we had done that; 1) jihadists wouldn't have given a crap, and 2) right now we'd be hearing about the fact that Bush shouldn't have wasted his time in Korea while this maniac Saddam is parading nuclear and biological weapons all over the place. These arguments are set up to create a no-win situation for the Republican's...one fight at a time. Iraq today, Iran tomorrow, N. Korea in due time. Like it or not, Iraq IS part of the war on terror, and we ARE winning.Now we need to address all of this garbage about those poor terrorists who got caught and are "languishing" in prison camps set up by the US. What the hell!! For all of those people that think Gitmo is inhumane...know this...most of those terrorist assholes would MUCH RATHER be at Gitmo than in a prison in their home country. These jerks are prisoners in a war. If they are released they will return to the fight. So what these folks who bitch about the treatment of our prisoners really want is more dead Americans, because that is what you'll get if these jerks are released. Yes, they complain about their treatment...IT IS THEIR JOB to make us look as bad as possible...THEY ARE OUR ENEMY! Our government MUST keep these prisoners locked up until the war on terror has been decidedly WON. Some out there say that we are violating the Geneva Convention, but the Geneva Conventions cover wars between state actors. Terrorists are not state actors, and deserve NO RIGHTS under the Geneva Conventions. The Geneva Conventions have come into play recently, though, and unfortunately are giving rights to these jerks, but do not hold them to fight under these same conventions. IN EVERY WAY, THE TERRORISTS VIOLATE THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS OF WARFARE. They do not wear uniforms (which allows them to hide among the civilian population), they kidnap civilians, they torture, mutilate, and behead individuals that THEY capture, they use IED's, they hide in schools and civilian homes, they use civilians as sheilds, they target civilian populations. If they are to be treated under the Geneva Conventions as prisoners, then they REALLY NEED to be treated as prisoners under ALL OF THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS. THEY ARE WAR CRIMINALS, and need to be tried as such. EVERY last one of them. If the world wants to hide terrorists behind the Geneva Conventions, then we need to contact the Hague and start about 300,000 war crimes hearings. Let's see how far the jerks are really willing to go with rules of warfare when THEY have to deal with the repercussions.In short, i am sick and tired of those people out there who cry and complain about what a bunch of jerks the American's are. America is the greatest country that has ever graced the face of this planet. Its citizen's have more personal freedoms than any other citizen's of any other country anywhere. The United States' military forces are the best trained, best equipped, and most compassionate military force ever sent overseas to fight. If the jihadists want a holy war, I say that we bring it to them. We should use every possible outlet, we should exploit our enemies every weakness, we should not stop until the enemy is no more, and we should ALL support our country and our soldiers in this fight, because the alternative is a world that is run by despotic religious jealots who hate us, our way of life, and all that we stand for.

My Blog

Check out this event: Fourty is the new Thirty!

Hosted By: J. SPENCEWhen: Sunday Dec 21, 2008 at 1:00 PMWhere First @ Blue Ridge32 Knox Rd.Ridgecrest, North Carolina|34 28770United StatesDescription:J. SPENCE Click Here To View Event...
Posted by J on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 12:30:00 PST


i need to shit, i am constapated
Posted by J on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 01:52:00 PST


I fuckin' hate everyone on this fuckin' rock!!!!!! That is all
Posted by J on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 05:23:00 PST


I need to fuckin have sex!!!!!! This is gettin down right pathetic
Posted by J on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 12:40:00 PST

fuckin stupid

blogs r fuckin stupid who the hell cares about what ur thinkin or doin right now!!!!!!!  the only blog i wanna read would b jenna jamesons...now that would b useful!!!!!!!
Posted by J on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 09:25:00 PST


Posted by J on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 10:14:00 PST


So the rules are, once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with "6 weird things/habits about yourself". In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't for...
Posted by J on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 01:23:00 PST


Posted by J on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 12:03:00 PST

long lost friends

long lost friends. now i see the bennefit of this crazy wacky site..... this shit is crazy ...im waiting to bumb into an ex and start a real fire!!!!!
Posted by J on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 11:54:00 PST


MY TWO FAVORITE WORDS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.................................................... .FUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by J on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 01:12:00 PST