Rob profile picture


Once loved is enough; twice loved is too little...

About Me

I have fortunately found MySpace and created this web space to inform friends and family about what is going on with my recent diagnosis, treatment and healing of "prostate cancer." If you check out the BLOG AREA you will get a blow by blow of what the past seven months have been like.My hope is that MEN out there will learn from my experience and get a hold of their own health care to avoid what is happened to me.

My Interests

That would be gardening, reading, working out, skiiing, roller-blading, hiking, bookstore shopping, waking on the beach, walking in the mountains, museums, movies and theater.

I'd like to meet:

If I can't meet Maya Angelou, Bill Clinton, Ellen DeGeneres, Hilary Clinton, Robin Williams or John Stewart, then I'd like to meet an honest, kind, thoughtful, guy who is smart, open to what life brings and willing to be a good friend and great partner to a guy who is hitting a bit of a bump in the road.


Love it all --- was one of the first persons that I know who had an iPod. Getting into Jazz and some classical which is an additive to someone who grew up with the Beatles.


Favorite all-time movie to make me laugh is "What's Up Doc?" Beyond that I like everything but blood and guts...


Anything BUT REALITY TV --- TV Land, Comedy Central, and PBS. I am especially hooked on Adult Swim.


Just read Christopher Rice's very dark Gay drama "Light Before Day" and so went out and bought his second novel "The Snow Garden" and I am loving this one too. He has his mother's prose talent (Ann Rice) and his father's poetry (Stan Rice) --- what an amazingly talented family.


One of my favorite questions to ask people is if you could invite five living people to dinner --- who would they be and who would the chef be.Right now, today, my list would be (in no specific order): Prince William, Robin Williams, Maya Angelou, Hilary Clinton and Ellen DeGeneres. I would probably have Tyler Florence cook.Stay tuned for changes to this venue.

My Blog

PCD 342 - Second Post-Op Visit

Tomorrow is my second post operative visit to Dr. Libertino. They will be checking me out and seeing how things are going. Additionally, they will be doing a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen Test). T...
Posted by Rob on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 06:16:00 PST

PCD 336 - About a year ago....

It was about a year ago that I had been in to see a urologist because my psa had been high in my yearly physical exam. It seems like an eternity ago; honestly, the past year has felt like ten years. ...
Posted by Rob on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 07:26:00 PST

PCD 329 - Life's a Botch / Genetic Link

The attached nugget is really for those of you who do have prostates or have loved ones who do.Newswise .. Missing sections of a gene, which programmes the manufacture of a chemical to alert the body ...
Posted by Rob on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:17:00 PST

PCD 326 - Hoping for Normalacy

Well, they have finally figured out what is going on with me (after three docotr's visits --- very frustrating). I think it is not a given that if you are seeing doctors in a Boston Hospital, well, i...
Posted by Rob on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 06:52:00 PST

PCD 320 - Checking In

Just checking in. I have had a mysterious skin ailment and this is creating a lapse in dating with the new beau. I have to see if I can get an appointment with a dermatologist sometime this century....
Posted by Rob on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 07:57:00 PST

PCD - 314 - Good News and Bad News

PCD 314 - Good News, Bad NewsHey, I know it's been a while and I have some good news and some bad news. The psa test for cancer came back negative, which is great news. But on the other hand I have be...
Posted by Rob on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 02:49:00 PST

PCD305 - Testy test results

Just a quick note to say that things are moving along in the dating department, sort of overwhelming, beginning to think of myself as a "couple."On the down side, I got back some of my results from my...
Posted by Rob on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 05:48:00 PST

PCD 299 - Another Step Forward

I just wanted to say as delicately as I possibly can that I am one lucky guy these days. I say delicately because I don't want to jinx the good luck that has befallen me. Last night I met some of Dav...
Posted by Rob on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 04:38:00 PST

PCD - 297 - It continues

Well, just a quickie to say that there seems to be more and more MySpace issues, I guess they are growing too big, too fast.Tonight there is no "catergory" listing for the blog, which i am sure is goi...
Posted by Rob on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:20:00 PST

PCD 294 - What a Difference a Week Makes

Hi,I bet you wondered where I've been.  Sorry, but life has gotten very hectic and despite the fact that I still look to extend the notion of 24 hours in a day, I still can't get caught up.Well, ...
Posted by Rob on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:40:00 PST