Metal,Beer,Photography,My Heritage, and some other shit as well.
"Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends."
-J. R. R. Tolkien-
agalloch,amon amarth, amorphis, anathema, anthrax, apocalyptica, at the gates, behemoth, beyond the embrace, beyond the flesh, blind guardian, blood red throne, bloodbath, borknagar, brave, cannibal corpse, candlemass, carcass, carnal forge, carpathian forest, celtic frost, charon, children of bodom, dark tranquillity, darkane, death angel, darkseed, death, decapitated, deicide, destruction, dew scented, dimension zero, dimmu borgir, dissection, destruction, divinity destroyed, disarmonia mundi,down, ebony tears, enslaved, entwine, evergrey, exhumed, exodus, faith no more, finntroll, fireborn, for my pain, gardenian, goatwhore, god dethroned, grave, green carnation, grimfist, HIM, hevein, hypocrisy, iced earth, immortal, impaled nazerene,In Flames, IronMaiden, kalmah, katatonia, kreator, lacuna coil, lordi, lullacry, megadeath, mercenary, mercury tide, old metallica ,morbid angel, my ruin, naglfar, nail within nevermore, night in gales, norther, old mans child, opeth, pat benetar, poisonblack, pain, polaris, PORCUPINE TREE, possessed,, rapture, rotting christ, running wild, satyricon, shamrain, sentenced, sinergy, slayer, sodom, soilwork, soul reaper, terror 2000, the black league, the crest, the crown, the cult, the duskfall,the gathering, THE HAUNTED, the rules, torchbearer, theater of tragedy, to/die/for, ulver, zyklon and a fuck load more... Want to know? ask me.
my top 10 (in no order)
1. American History X
2. The 13th Warrior
3. V for Vendentta
4. Lord of the rings - ALL
5. Super Troopers
6. The Departed
7. Fight Club
8. Starwars - ALL
9. Path Finder
10. 300
Shows I watch
1. Man vs Wild
2. Family guy
3. Burn Notice
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. Californication
6. Weeds
7. South park
8. Scrubs
9. Metalocalypse
10. The Office
(currently) The Children of Húrin - J.R.R. Tolkien
Next in line: not sure yet
(Done)Hannibal Rising - Thomas Harris
(Done) Starwars Trilogy - George Lucas
(Done)Angels and Demons - Dan Brown
(Done) Watchmen (graphic novel) - Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons
(DONE) Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
(DONE) The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
(DONE)Ghost rider - Neil Peart
(DONE)Eaters of the dead - Michael Crichton