VINTER profile picture



About Me

I'm known as Vinter, I'd tell ya my real name, but if you already know then we're probably friends and there isn't a reason to put it up here.
I used to play bass, and do vocals in a band called Thousands Shall Fall, I gave it up after many tries to keep the band alive.
Since then I decided to go with another music I enjoy, and started a hip hop project called The Coming of Chaos, with my boy VurbalKON , and while working on that we did a track with this guy Ivan Ives out of LA, and joined up on his label.
So far Chaos has released 1 EP demo/cd, and we're currently working on a new one, hopefully to be released later this year (2007) or early next year (2008). You can also catch our newest track release out by purchasing "The Prelude" by Ivan Ives on a track called "A Better Yesterday" , the tracks ill and the cd is iller, so pick it up!!!
Now if you've read this far, a new project is coming up that I'm going to be apart of!! Its called the I.V. LEAGUE , its a LA based "super group", well... the plan is, this fall (2007) I'm fuckin jumpin ship and getting the fuck out of MA and going to the west coast, its not 100% yet, but its pretty damn close to it!! And hopefully some solo work to be done in the near future as well!
You can find links to all these music pages in my top friends list near the top of the page.
AOL: Vinterchaos
Yahoo: Vinterkrig

My Interests

Metal,some hip hop, tattoos, piercings, reading, writing, music, drinking.. making new friends and a whole lot of other shit that I dont feel like typing out o_O

Dude! You're 100% from Massachusetts!

Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.

How Massachusetts are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


Burzum, Satyricon, Immortal, Judas Iscariot, Krieg, Katatonia, Godless North, Carpathian Forest, Darkthrone, Dark Funeral, 1349, Bethlehem, The Accursed, Beyond The Embrace, Anaal Nathrakh, Axis Of Perdition, Behemoth, Green Carnation, Ulver, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Manowar, Enslaved, Amon Amarth, Dissection, Daylight Dies, The Haunted, At The Gates.... and many many more

Hip Hop:
7L & Esoteric, Army Of The Pharaohs, Apathy, Boss Hog Barbarians, Celph Titled, Chief Kamachi, Cypress Hill, Des Devious, Faez One, House of Pain, Ill Bill, Immortal Technique, J-Zone, JEDI MIND TRICKS, King Syze, La Coka Nostra, Louis Logic, Majik Most, Mr. Hyde, Necro, Outerspace, Q-Unique, Reef The Lost Cauze, Sabac, Virtuoso ...etc..etc..


Lord of The Rings, American Pyscho, Hellraiser, Night of the Living Dead, Casino, Full Metal Jacket, Red Dawn, 13th Warrior, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Wayne's World, Freddy Got Fingered, Detriot Rock City, Requiem For A Dream, Momento, The Wicker Man, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Resivour Dogs, The Thing + many more


Family Guy, Southpark, The Chapelle Show, Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Drawn Together, The Shield, The Sopranos, just about anything on Adult Swim, and some other random shit...


"The Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli, stuff by Friedrich Nietzsche, anything written by JRR Tolkien, anything thats about Norse Mythology or Vikings, some other random things, but no need for detail.


JRR Tolkien - Created a world and experience in words and makes you feel like you live his story, simply amazing.

Friedrich Nietzsche - His writings make you think about way to much :D

Burzum (Varg) - Atmospheric music that is inspiring to me.

Satyricon (Satyr/Frost) - My favorite band, inspiring much of musical influence

Friends - No naming names, but to those who have stuck by me high and low, good and bad.. ::salutes::

There are probably more, but anyone I've learned anything from good and bad, are my heros for altering my life in some way shape or form.

My Blog

my cross country trip stops .... peep it,maybe we can chill!

..> ...
Posted by 19 Days Till LA,CA MOVE! VINTER [IVL] on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 08:00:00 PST

Back to New Bedford Sept. 24th ---> Los Angeles, CA Oct.8th

So I'm moving back to New Bedford with family for 2 weeks while my girl and my dog drive back to Houston, Texas. She's gonna go visit family and take care of a few errands and whatnot while she's ther...
Posted by 19 Days Till LA,CA MOVE! VINTER [IVL] on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 06:15:00 PST

Updates! Probable East Coast to West Coast Move!!

Alright so up until now, there hasn't been any real positive date or estimate on when I'd probably be moving to LA . Well the what seems to be the confirmed date is October 13/15th.So with that in min...
Posted by 19 Days Till LA,CA MOVE! VINTER [IVL] on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 11:30:00 PST

Complex Minds EP $3, GET IT!

Complex Minds EP Ft Ivan Ives & Atrophy IS NOW CHEAPER, $3 for the whole album!!! ...
Posted by 19 Days Till LA,CA MOVE! VINTER [IVL] on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 02:46:00 PST

updates on life

Well if you didn't know I've been living in Stoughton up near Boston, for about 3 or 4 months, I hate it there... the people suck, and being that far from friends and family really blows.This coming S...
Posted by 19 Days Till LA,CA MOVE! VINTER [IVL] on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 07:11:00 PST


goto and click enter, the promo on the side of the site should start playing and you should hear me and vurbalkoncepts track called 'ugly bitch':Dits pretty cool hearing that o...
Posted by 19 Days Till LA,CA MOVE! VINTER [IVL] on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 04:28:00 PST

Complex Minds Ep, help a friend out

Repost this, buy some tracks or the cd?Thanks !----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: The Coming of ChaosDate: May 22, 2007 5:20 PMThe Coming of ChaosComplex Minds EP (demo cd) No T...
Posted by 19 Days Till LA,CA MOVE! VINTER [IVL] on Tue, 22 May 2007 02:55:00 PST

MY/OUR CD IS DONE!!! The Coming of Chaos - Complex Minds EP!

MY/OUR CD IS DONE!!! The Coming of Chaos - Complex Minds EP!THE CD IS DONE!!!!!! I'm selling them for $5 a pop, you can send me a message if you live near by and we can meet up on the weekend when I g...
Posted by 19 Days Till LA,CA MOVE! VINTER [IVL] on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:53:00 PST

Beer VS Vagina

I saw this on someone's page, thought it was funny ;)beer vs vagina Beer is always wet. Vagina needs a little work.One point to BEER Warm beer tastes awful. One point to VAGINA A really cold beer is...
Posted by 19 Days Till LA,CA MOVE! VINTER [IVL] on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 10:17:00 PST

check it

Posted by 19 Days Till LA,CA MOVE! VINTER [IVL] on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 06:07:00 PST