Skating and driving cars . Doing Rounds of flying magic babies with my gravity easy bake oven. mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="http://lads. enableJavascript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never"
You Baby
Lil Wyte - Oxy Cotton
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Anything that comes on the radio execpt but not limited to :Some country,kid bop hahaa what a gay cd right, I mean hello they are f+cking like five years old and they're singing about sex and violence and drugs and alchohol , Kid Bop is a bad influence on kids and on pregnant women or people with nassia problems or people that can be easily electricuted or seniors 65+ anyways music is all good (p.s. KIDZ BOP should die)
Dave Chapelle , Poolhall Junkies, Anchor Man, Italian Job, any fast and the furiose movie and some other racing movies,Van wilder, FARGO he farwent. umm i can't think of all of them but ill tell you later
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My favorite books has got to Be "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption"
MY DAD and My MOM and Bro you my hero 2 (the one in london ,sry gabe)HE got me into the automotive world and half the things i know about cars are because of him.