I'd like to meet:
BLONDE JOKE OF THE MOMENT! A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are on the run from the law when they find an old barn to hide out in. The police are close on their tails, so when the women find three sacks, they immediately jump into them. About a minute later, a policeman comes into the barn and sees the suspicious-looking sacks. He kicks the first one."Meow," says the redhead."It must be a cat," thinks the policeman and he kicks the second sack."Woof," says the brunette."Must be a dog," thinks the policeman and he kicks the third sack."Potatoes," says the blonde. AS OF...(11/26/07) this joke has been up here for close to 1 month, and is showing to be one of the longest moments in my life...
and i'm still laughing...
(4/15/08) OKOKOK, i'll look for a new blonde joke to laugh at... BRB ANOTHER JOKE OF THE MOMENT! A penguin is driving cross-country when his car breaks down. He gets towed to the nearest garage, and while he waits for his car to be repaired, he goes to the grocery store next door and decides to wait in the ice cream aisle and enjoy some vanilla ice cream, because of course, all penguins love ice cream.Well, when he goes back to the garage, the mechanic tells him, "It looks like you just blew a seal."The penguin blushes, wiping his beak, and says, "Oh no, it was just some vanilla ice cream."(5/7/08) i lol'd!
quite a variety actually...