theENID's dorky hot profile picture

theENID's dorky hot

...filling her head with music, she escaped her body...

About Me

"Jordan said you look like Thora Birch today. Plus, he is turning into Seymour from Ghost World more and more every day." - Tori
"I looked at her tonight and saw a red-headed girl, dancin, jus dancin in the English free...jus dancin...she is who she is and always will be...nothin defines her...nothin needs to...shes jus rockin out to life" - Myke giving me the best compliment ever.

My Interests

. music . shows
. uk . photography
. glastonbury
. films . travel
. cinematography


-June 14th @ Milestone:
-June 22-24 @ England:


-top of 2007 so far:
. 300
. children of men
. grindhouse
. last king of scotland
. little children
. notes on a scandal
. pan's labyrinth
. perfume
. starter for ten
. zodiac


. absolutely fabulous
. arrested development
. curb your enthusiasm
. da ali g show
. extras
. freaks & geeks
. futurama
. home movies
. house
. i'm alan partridge
. mr. show
. the office
. saxondale
. scrubs
. seinfeld
. simpsons
. spaced
. stella
. strangers with candy
. the young ones
. tom goes to the mayor
. undeclared
. weeds


. david sedaris
. nick hornby
. j.d. salinger
. the philosophy of andy warhol
. movies of the 60s
. the way of the pilgrim
. the bell jar
. girl, interrupted
. the peter pan bag
. tuned out
. i'm really dragged but nothing gets me down
. the invisible circus
. brave new girl
. crooked
. the fuck up
. unlubricated
. the unthinkable thoughts of jacob green
. the torn skirt
. a heartbreaking work of staggering genius
. atonement
. running with scissors
. on the road
. middlesex


. ade edmondson
. alan partridge
. andy warhol
. bob dylan
. clementine kruczynski
. david bailey
. david sedaris
. enid coleslaw
. janis joplin
. jennifer saunders
. jerri blank
. jon brion
. john cusack
. john lennon
. karl pilkington
. kevin westernberg
. larry david
. michel gondry
. nina simone
. ricky gervais
. rik mayall
. stephen merchant
. yann tiersen

My Blog

The Sammies, Birdmonster, Dead Confederate

The Visulite, April 7th
Posted by theENID's dorky hot on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:47:00 PST

Sean Lennon, Women & Children, Kamila Thompson

Cat's Cradle, April 6th
Posted by theENID's dorky hot on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:46:00 PST

Menomena, Megafaun

Local 506, April 1st
Posted by theENID's dorky hot on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:44:00 PST

Delta Spirit, Tokyo Police Club, Cold War Kids

Local 506, March 27th
Posted by theENID's dorky hot on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:42:00 PST

The Changes, The Colour, Gringo Star

Tremont Music Hall, March 26th
Posted by theENID's dorky hot on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:41:00 PST

Of Montreal, Loney, Dear

Headliners, March 23It might have been the heat and exhaustion I was overcome with, but I just wasn't into this show. Until they performed a Bowie encore which took me by surprise. They breathed new l...
Posted by theENID's dorky hot on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:19:00 PST

The Walkmen/ The Broken West/ Ferraby Lionheart

Local 506, Mar 22ndI'm always down to see the Walkmen, one of my favourite bands. They did not disappoint (never do). We've Been Had, Louisiana, The Rat, & 138th Street were all present. A nice mi...
Posted by theENID's dorky hot on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 05:34:00 PST


House Party in Charlotte, Mar 21stPanther gets down with the kids. His style of DIY rock/dance monster mash kept us going past our bedtime. Good thing we got those cops to get lost. Stone Figs sounde...
Posted by theENID's dorky hot on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 05:25:00 PST

Soular Music Video Shoot

Orlando, FL - March 10 & 11Astonish
Posted by theENID's dorky hot on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 05:25:00 PST

Stone Figs / Rahim / Mixel Pixel

The Milestone, March 4th...
Posted by theENID's dorky hot on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 10:21:00 PST