always... a friend for life! profile picture

always... a friend for life!

I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

Since I will be gone for lord only knows how long please e-mail me... I would love to hear from you people while im gone. thank youMartin.figueroa@dubuque.usmc.milthat will be the one email i'll get to check the most
Johnny Cash kills everything you know.

My Interests

Music, Cars, Skateboards, Horror Movies, Books, Pickles, Spanky, Israel

I'd like to meet:

I've already met Pickles, spanky, and Izzruuuuulllll... I don't need to meet anyone else.. suicidal4lifei listen to a shitload of country punk reggae(extremely traditional and everything on up inc. alot of 2-tone era ska)and love to watch soccer skate videos (dvds?) and movies... especially british/european ones as well as lots of horror moviesjason statham and vinnie jones are the shit on the big screen


Johnny Cash, Social Distortion, Time For Living, Resist Control, HELL BRIGADE, Elvis Costello (old and new), Blood For Blood, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES!, Tom Waits, The Pogues, Gorilla Biscuits, 4-skins, Agnostic Front, cock sparrer, iron cross, crime, templars, DOA, crass, Dwight Yoakum, Merle, Waylon, David Allen Coe, Ferlin Husky, Flatt and Scruggs, Nekromantix, Flogging Molly, Lou Reed, Velvet Underground, Hoods, All Bets Off, Skarhead, Madball, Sheer Terror, MOD, SOD, SLAYER, new jersey Bloodline, the business, Dyingrace, JAY-Z, HELL BRIGADE -- tons more!


25 Ta Life shout out to skare tactic

dude 25 ta life (2 norcal hXc old school heads) playing crucified... they give a shout out to skare tactic... hahah esp tom who although is a "hardon" is a fucking amazing dr00d! Outsiders, La Bamba, Goodfellas, Scarface, anything with Audrey, Blues Brothers... more


Simpsons, Family Guy, Sacramento Kings


Outsiders, Siddhartha, Man in Black...


Johnny Cash, Mike Ness and

My Blog


As I prepare to leave and try to get everything ready i get more stressed and the nights get longer but the days don’t seem to... I will admit... I love it tho! The military is still the best de...
Posted by always... a friend for life! on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:54:00 PST

imma KILLLL you!

Mickey ZPeople Iced:FifteenCar Bombs Planted:OneFavorite WeaponStillettoArms Broken:Twenty OneEyes Gouged:TwoTongues Cut Off:TwelveBiggest Enemy:Joe BannanasGet Your HITMAN NameAWSOME-GAME...
Posted by always... a friend for life! on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 12:13:00 PST

the best way to describe life in the military

kate is great - bouncing soulsI used to have homewith a room and bea porch and a drivewaywith a big garagebut i traded it inI kept some faithand laid my head down every nightand it seems so far awayre...
Posted by always... a friend for life! on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 01:38:00 PST

life in general

well many of you havent heard from me in quite some time and if you're reading this im simply amazed... either way a brief summary... ive joined the marine corps and like everything we do in life is g...
Posted by always... a friend for life! on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 10:14:00 PST

stolen from joe

I'm so ROCKABILLY I DIDN'T WRITE THIS, BUT IT'S FUNNY EVERYTIME!!Im so rockabilly i drink 13 beers and then shoot the beer bottles off of a playhouse with my bee-bee gun that i bought for $13 that i ...
Posted by always... a friend for life! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i rule you

You're Pinhead. As the head of the Church ofSorrow, you are an excellent leader. You knowhow to keep your minions under control (whetherby fear or respect), and conversely, keep themhappy by giving th...
Posted by always... a friend for life! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

El Duderino

You're The Dude. You're a fairly good natured guywho isn't out to screw anybody, but just wantsthings to be like they were before. You used tobe a roadie for Metallica, and you love a goodCaucasian. Y...
Posted by always... a friend for life! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

soia... goddamn!

you are Sick of it All - old school boys who don'ttake shit from anybody! What NYHC band are you?? brought to you by Quizilla...
Posted by always... a friend for life! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

oh my fuck yes!

Shane MacGowan... unconsciously brilliant. Youcan intelligently debate any topic fromtheology, history, literature and philosphy...though only while you're out of your skull onbooze. Which fucked-...
Posted by always... a friend for life! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i fucking love this band

You are: E-Town Concrete. Angry at the world, yet you still bling. What New Jersey band are you? brought to you by Quizilla...
Posted by always... a friend for life! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST