I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
I was born and raised in Montana.
( map below ) for those of you who have no idea where the fuck Montana is.I love Baseball, movies, running, bars, Asian boys, and i have a fondness for U.S. Naval History
Contrary to popular belief life in Montana isn't all that great. Montana the 4th largest state in the union, boasts a population less than 1 Million, One eighth of that being in one city.
This is where i grew up Billings MontanaI was out in High School, so that made me the “Gay†one. I didn’t come out because I wanted to be different or because I was proud. I just refused to pretend I was someone I wasn’t. ie I was to lazy to pretend. Not long after graduating High school I decided I was going to move. And San Francisco seemed like the best choice.so about four years ago I made It to San Francisco.. I love my city... so now im just trying live each day to its best
I love my city but sometimes she is a bitch and other times she is my only friend
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