Varied. Books, theatre, music, gardening (wanna talk compost?), weather, politics, religion, ecology, people.... ooh, shiny!
People who have interests and care about things, beyond the latest television fad.
And people from all over.
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Classical, Celtic, Broadway, late 1960's-early 1970's pop (Simon & Garfunkle, Crosby, Stills, & Nash), folk music. I like Live365 for Internet Radio, and have an all Muppet radio station in my favorites.
The Lord of the Rings trio, Pirates of Penzance, 1776, musicals.
Britcoms on PBS, Good Eats, and Mythbusters, if I remember to turn the set on.
Science fiction and fantasy: Tolkien, Lewis, Bujold, L'Engle, Charles Williams, de Lint, just off the top of my head. Murder mysteries: Dorothy Sayers, Rex Stout, Tony Hillerman, Ngaio March, Allingham. Also Georgette Heyer, Louis L'Amour (especially in alternation - sort of a salty/sweet mental flavor), and anything else with print in it.
People who truly show courage and dedication in doing what is right. Not people who harangue other people.