Essential Girl profile picture

Essential Girl

CALL your radio station & Request FOREVER~Papa Roach!! DO IT bitches!!!

About Me

if you have to put me in a box then here i fucking am...
these are my icons

this is my layout code this is my contact box
this is my celeb look alike dealiethis is rock lady i think
this is to remove music player. it needs to sty at the bottom

My Interests

I’m interested in…
poets and their flow.
I’m interested in…
musicians and their rock and roll.
I’m interested in…
artists and their medium.
I’m interested in…
souls that relieve my tedium.
I’m interested in…
live music and the way it makes me feel.
I’m interested in…
learning natural ways to heal.
I’m interested in…
family and friends.
I’m interested in…
staying away from those that pretend.
I’m interested in…
gaining the knowledge of the universe.
I’m interested in…
fascinating people in which to converse.
I’m interested in…
traveling the world one of these days.
I’m interested in…
the warmth of the sun’s rays.
I’m interested in…
my camera and photography.
I’m interested in…
sex and a little pornography.
I’m interested in…
wandering the path of discovery.
I’m interested in…
my minds recovery.
I’m interested in…
making my machine sew
I’m interested in…
finding out what you know.
I’m interested.

I'd like to meet:

old friends, new friends, wise souls, great thinkers, rockstars, the one in charge...


i like most music as you will experiance while listening to my player...
live music!!!
i go to alot of concerts...
Rock'n'Roll or die!


ones i don't fall asleep watching...


its an evil eye watching me from the living room...from my bedroom...from their room...a dark evil eye, stealing time from life
Number of TV sets in the
average U.S. household: 2.24
Number of hours per day that
TV is on in an
average U.S. home: 6 hours, 47 minutes
Percentage of Americans that
regularly watch television
while eating dinner: 66
Number of hours of TV watched
annually by Americans: 250 billion
Percentage of Americans
who pay for cable TV: 56
Number of minutes per week
that parents spend in meaningful
conversation with their children: 3.5
Number of minutes per week
that the average child
watches television: 1,680
Hours per year the
average American youth
spends in school: 900 hours
Hours per year the
average American youth
watches television: 1500
Number of murders
seen on TV by the time
an average child finishes
elementary school: 8,000
Number of violent acts
seen on TV by age 18: 200,000
Number of 30-second
TV commercials seen in a year
by an average child: 20,000
Number of TV commercials seen
by the average person by age 65: 2 million
Percentage of local TV news broadcast
time devoted to advertising: 30
Percentage devoted to stories
about crime, disaster and war: 53.8
Percentage devoted to
public service announcements: 0.7
Percentage of Americans who
can name The Three Stooges: 59
Percentage who can name at least
hree justices of the U.S. Supreme Court: 17


i love books. i don't make time to read for me anymore. i love kids books. those, i read alot.
i miss reading. fiction, auto biographies and biographies, mystery, horror, poetry, personal betterment...
if you have a book i could finish pretty quick let me know.


my dad
he taught me courage and strength and that you won't know if you don't ask.

My Blog

new blogs

how do you people see the newly posted blogs? i've been here for years and i still can't figure it out. i know it happens because when i post i see the views go up. maybe one of you reading this can l...
Posted by Essential Girl on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 03:14:00 PST


i miss everyone. its so hard to stay in touch with everyone i think about. i miss alaska. my old school friends. the butte cafe. my sister. her kids i don't know. i miss poetry. my ears being blessed...
Posted by Essential Girl on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 03:11:00 PST

a set of haikus

there is a story that has inspired this set of poems... i just don't feel like telling it right now :P most of you know, i don't usually write stuff like this but i just ha...
Posted by Essential Girl on Fri, 18 May 2007 07:55:00 PST

life lessons learn

my child I cried for you today hoping you wouldn't have to it was so sad you had to learn about life this way dieing at this young, innocent age a friend so dear so near grown up together for so many&...
Posted by Essential Girl on Wed, 16 May 2007 09:42:00 PST

lost poem...

if you missed it before...i was cleaning up my computer the other day and discovered this poem i wrote quite a long time ago. so, i don't know how it happened but some phone company posted a comment s...
Posted by Essential Girl on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 08:40:00 PST


I just won the 101X text for tickets. i was 101 texter and won tickets to The Killers at frank erwin center. its friday. i am so frickin excited!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Essential Girl on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 07:34:00 PST

up there again

I have written poetry sporadically over the past few weeks, well okay, so maybe it's been months.  I have read poetry even more sporadically.  I still go to poetry.  I need to feel it. ...
Posted by Essential Girl on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:07:00 PST

And the snow came falling down south

Hey y'all...Its SNOWING in Austin frickin' Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!okay...its 28 degrees... there are a crap load of icicles...alot of dumbasses on the raod crashing into each other, and a light ...
Posted by Essential Girl on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 11:37:00 PST

Snowman Slideshow Link...

this is hopefully the link to my photobucket slideshow... i can't seem to post it up on my profile...oh well... n=view&current=11...
Posted by Essential Girl on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 01:15:00 PST

yes its true...

i am completely star struck at the moment...i have my pics finally, i already put a couple up...anyways,i'm sure i'll come down soon. Papa Roach fucking rocks and it was cool hangin'...can't wait til ...
Posted by Essential Girl on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 05:42:00 PST