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*)(BaBy CaKeS!!)(*

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainty that just to be alive is a grand thing.
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How to make a samantha
3 parts success
3 parts self-sufficiency
3 parts beauty
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little sadness if desired!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
SLEEPING BEAUTYDelusional I believe I can cure it all for you, dear Coax or trick or drive or drag the demons from you Make it right for you sleeping beauty Truly thought I can magically heal youYou're far beyond a visible sign of your awakening Failing miserably to rescueSleeping BeautyDrunk on ego Truly thought I could make it right If I kissed you one more time to Help you face the nightmare But you're far too poisoned for me Such a fool to think that I can wake you from your slumber That I could actually heal you..Sleeping Beauty Poisoned and hopeless You're far beyond a visible sign of your awakening Failing miserably to find a way to comfort youFar beyond a visible sign of your awakening And hiding from some poisoned memoryPoisoned and hopeless Sleeping Beauty

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

JHONNY KNOXVILLE!!!!! Man the things id do to him. oh my god! *drool* uh hem okay back to reality um lets see Steve-O, Bam, Shaun William Scott, Brad Pitt, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, any damn person who is cool willing to do anything at least once and twice if they liked it.


well i was raised on led zepplin pink floyd ccr zz top and stuff but ive come to find out that i like any type of music. really depends on what mood im in really. angery or mad i listen to stuff like tool godsmack korn. when im happy ill listen to jack jhonson acdc dave matthews band . when i just wanna chill i listen to stuff like radiohead him led zeppelin pink floyd the only music i have a problem with is the kind that involves no talent. cough cough*rap* cough sorry excuse me. ; D


Get this video and more at MySpace.comI recentlly got into watchin Japenese movies. For example Suicide Club. Its really great. American movies are just to predictable. but american movies that i do like. Jackass, The Dukes of Hazzard (you know why? cause its got the Jhonny in it!yeeea) all of the American Pies, all of the Scary Movies, Arnold and Kaumar go to white castle, Super Troopers, House of a 1000 corpses (not cause its actually good its just fuckin hilarious when your high) Saw 1 and 2, Queen of the Dammed, Exorcist, Exorcism of Emily Rose, the old and new Texas Chainsaw Massacare, Sling Blade, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Alice and Wonderland( you see were im goin with this right)

adopt your own virtual pet!


JACKASS! duh! Viva la bam, I really got into The real world Austin maybe the rest will be as good. i really like the show sex in the city because i can relate to alot of those situations. I also like America's Next Top Model because i like to see those girls fight over energy drinks and gronala bars. Its kinda sad but then again its just hilarious!


Anything Jhon Grishism or Sandra Brown and rolling stone because its just to cool


well considering no one has ever had to save me im gonna come up with some people i would want to save me. Jhonny knoxville( should have seen that one coming my dearest friendsweet-Tmy mom she will always watch over me these people will always be in my heart under the catagory "My HEROES"

My Blog


Steve Irwin, this ones to you.  The world will miss you man.  The original wildboy, personal hero, and world-wide phenominon  Sep 4, 2006 Steve Irwin, the quirky Australian naturalist ...
Posted by *)(BaBy CaKeS!!)(* on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 12:41:00 PST


Alot has happened to me since i last blogged. my mother died this year in a damn jail she was only suppose to be there for 60 days for a DUI. she died of bleeding internally of an ulcer. no one helped...
Posted by *)(BaBy CaKeS!!)(* on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 11:35:00 PST

Cuz i just don't give a FUCK!

I have come to the conclusion that Its better to listen to your instincts so you don't get hurt. Yeah i loved curtis but my insticts told me he was going to hurt me soon. so i prepared my self for it ...
Posted by *)(BaBy CaKeS!!)(* on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 07:50:00 PST


My abhorrent behavior catches up to me in my dreams, Im sure of this. Karma as it were is a fickle mistress. One that will not let me escape her clutches. Maybe more so, I cant escape my own mishaps...
Posted by *)(BaBy CaKeS!!)(* on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 05:53:00 PST

Happness is loves long lost cousin

I've come to the conclusion that love is a feeling that only YOU and you segnifigant other can bring happieness together. I consider them cousins but long lost and enemy cousins.You and your signifiga...
Posted by *)(BaBy CaKeS!!)(* on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 07:36:00 PST


I'm an animalI'm a victimI'm the answer to your prayersI'm a witnessOn the witchhuntI'm the monster of the stairsI'm ghost that'sIn the mirrorI'm everything that you fearI'm the riptideI'm the soldier...
Posted by *)(BaBy CaKeS!!)(* on Thu, 12 Jan 2006 05:40:00 PST

what do you do?

what do you do? when the ONE person in your life is nine hours away and you talk to them maybe once a day. You love this person with all your heart and soul. then one day out of the blue.................
Posted by *)(BaBy CaKeS!!)(* on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 12:56:00 PST