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'Overall, its just simpler this way '- She Lied to Me.

About Me

I'm a photographer.

My Site Diamond Rodgers International

Diamond Rodgers Vol 1 - 'Songs before K'
check it out here. Right Click and 'Save Link As' To download. Songs Before K

'O to Dream' by Diamond Rodgers

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Trailer Trash- The beach Party by Diamond Rodgers

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My Interests

The Random Connetced Things in Life. & Diamond Rodgers International

I'd like to meet:

6' Martians.


Diamond Rodgers Vol 1 - 'Songs before K'
check it out here Songs Before K
Music is a funny one, but essentially after clubbing for ten yearsi've had enough of djs, they've just got older and wear differen't t shirts. That said i do still love a bit of acid electro down the pub. House pisses me off. I'm not going to list a load of bands , but a few.Things go form Symphony for dot matrix printers ( you've got to check it out) to Johhny cash. Beats International to 'Ace of base', Artic monkies to maximo park. and cos i can't make any more coparisions, i'll make a list.... square pusher aphex twin bravery ciaser chiefs ac/dc 1gnition the postal service buck 65 editors block party babyshambles 2manydjs Kaptian Komatose Kraftwork cut copy vitialic nina the dubliners eclectic method !forward russia! protocol boy kill boy the kooks hard-fi blondie europe avo part &&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&& this is actually very boring, judge as you will.


films that actually have a story that works, if not theyhave got to be big.Knife in Water, simon of the desert, the mirror, tarkoskify, the russian ark ( one take), SAW, 2001.


Just finished Lunar Park - Bret EE, great. The story of O, jeffery Archer. a calssic for all, if a bit long winded, but the way life works --- if on a winters night , Italino Clvino.

My Blog

Williamsburg - New York City

Posted by Morgan on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 01:55:00 PST

trannies and tea cups, pete eat your heart out!!

So, it started off as a simple evening.  Miss woods wanted a few shots of her having a little problem wiht her car.  So the best way to have started the eveing was simpley by turning  u...
Posted by Morgan on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 03:13:00 PST

A Mini Adventure Down Under Pt 2

Well christmas and new year have been and gone, great.  A few more pics of the trip, but really there was only one day which made it. I ignored christmas and new year, i've had a few and they do...
Posted by Morgan on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 04:55:00 PST

A Mini Adventure Down Under

It all started when i left victoria Park... then i went to hong kong, and met my old friend simon, and the lovley Lady Wheeler of Dalston, we drank for three days, it was hard work, but one i...
Posted by Morgan on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 04:45:00 PST

Art Brute

I went out tongiht and..... then i went home....
Posted by Morgan on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 05:22:00 PST

This afternoon i met Jodie

I went out and bumped into Jodie Harsh... Then i went home....
Posted by Morgan on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 09:54:00 PST