i love my piano and guitar. i like to look at stars and wish on the shooting ones, cause they always make dreams come true. dogs are better than cats.im weird and it gets me in to trouble. i like to eat lots while watching films.
i like lazy days. to look out to sea things always seem to make sense there. . i like walks in the rain.
like to watch lads on bikes and i like trying but i fail. i like exteme sports well to watch them i can do them yet!haha. i want to drive a rally car better than any of that formula1 shit!
even though i get so scared by scary films i still keep watching them. i like people who are willing to get to know me well enough to know what im going to say next. i like to be bought nice things. i like the smell of some! boys. i like to make people smile if there happy i dont mind what im feeling. i like to have meaningful conversations that incorperate more than i was expecting. i like people who arnt affraid to be themselves. i like surprises. i like to not have to say anything and for it not to be awkward. i like old houses. i like the smell of the sea and the country side. i wish i could live in newzealand. i wish more people understood me. i seem snobby andstuck up but im not
shooting stars always make dreams come truei hate how i think things over too much. i hate losing touch with people. i hate racists. i hate pretty people cause im not. i dont like being ignored. i dont like people who lie they scare me. i dont like the dark. i hate pictures of me.
im at uni now. its ok i guess too much work i have to say.
Many drunken nights and memories that about it to be fair.
(cant be arsed to update profile properly)i am a super hero really by night and a becca by day
Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero Name Mullet Man
Super Power Irresistable Sexuality
Enemy Circus Clowns
Mode Of Transportation Unicycle
Weapon Condoms
Quiz created with MemeGen !ill get the pencils and we will draw a new world..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editorâ„¢ V2.5