Hello, my name is Mijk van Dijk. I'm from Berlin/ Germany.
Welcome to my MySpace-site. (^o^)//
I produce electronic music since 1990. I play it live since 1990. And I DJ since 1992.
If you wanna learn more about my music like which year I released that remix for Denki Groove or what PS2-Games I created soundtracks for, better check the info pages on my official website www.mijkvandijk.de
If you wanna feel my music, come to my show. Have a look on top of this page, maybe I will play in your lovely neighborhood club soon. Or on that huge festival out there.
And while you're here anyway, why don't you just stick around for a while, listen to my music, leave a nice comment and give my Best Friends a visit as well? ;-)
BTW: if you visit Plato, that's me too. Kind of. Another Alter Ego so to speak.
Plato is doing what Mijk van Dijk used to do in the early 90s. Only today. Sure, it sounds different, but that's today's technology, right? But the attitude is like "High On Hope" and "Schoeneberg" and so on. Speaking of which: both songs shall shine anew. Soon. Watch out..... :-)