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I am here for Networking

About Me

Ohhhhlaaaaaaaa, am currently living "exhisting" in Spain, am a disgruntled bar owner currently at war with the local authorities over music liscensing as my bar "Unplugged" is primarily a music and entertainments venue. We are famous for high quality entertainment including comedy, poetry, art and stuff! Not to mention my world famous curry and cheesecake, not necessarily in that order!! Am about to go back on the road murdering classic and original songs up and down the coast as my bizniz has been "SuspendeD" by the afore mentioned powers that be, obviously I´m not greasing the right palms or because my venue, unlike 90% of the bars in the area doesn´t cater for crack heads and trouble makers. I opened to create a comfortable, safe environment for quality people who appreciate the arts as well as inviting people to learn and participate in the music. We have open Mic sessions everynight (why am I using present tense!!! BASTARD politicians). We had a bit of a "school of rock" thing going on, encouraging local kids to learn how to play the music they love, with a full range of instruments available to those who respect them and a full PA. I thought this would make me popular with the council as whilst they were using their time constructively, they were´nt robbing cars or sniffing glue. Oh yeah, about´m originally from London Inger-land, norf of da rivvah Finchley to be precise, which is famous for....Margaret Thatcher...hmmm. I moved out here about 10years ago having studied Musical Instrument repair, specialising in fretted instrument (errrr Geeetars), I worked a spell in Denmark Street, London, repairing for the famous and soon to be famous. Came out here and played proffessionally for a few years backing up vocalists, where I discovered that the biggest pain in the ass was lugging equipment from venue to venue (although it kept me fit!) sooooo I decided to open a venue where all you had to do was walk in with your instrument and plug in!

My Interests

Muuuusak, martial arts, reading, wearing out my Dobermann "Busta" and luvvin!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that´s not scary.


Puccinni to Prodigy, espeshully da gr8s suchaz Jimi, Janis, Steevie Ray, Bloos, Jazz, anything with a beat basically.


Besson, Scorcese, Kurosawa, Coppola, Rodriguez... I dunno anyfing really "entertain me!" Have been known to cry at "chikflix"


Not got! And don´t miss! I live in the boonies, up a mountain in National Park land, where I get NO reception. It´s GggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEaT!! When I do get near a TV, it´s all doom and gloom pouring out of it. Got DVD, Video and PS2 and my dog keeps me entertained.


Papillon to Wind in the Willows


My Grandad, an amazing man who managed to remain a cantankerous old bastard even after having lost his speech to a stroke. Hung in there for 2years just to spite his kids! I think I was the only person outside of his gang that he got on with.