EMU profile picture


Check my blogs for more music........

About Me

Bonjournos! Would first just like to point out that there is more of my music & mixes to be listened to in my aptly named blog 'Listen to more music HERE!!!!'
I first got into musc production about 3-4 years ago. It began when i was about 12 and one of my dads mates gave me and my sister a 2 octave casio as a gift. I hogged the keyboard most of the time, and started listening to themes and stuff off the TV and playing them back on my keyboard. I got my first cassette soon after which my dad bought me. He got me 'The Greatest 80's Hits' which i loved back then and would bop down the street with my Sony Walkman strapped to my side singing along to it.......... ........."Golden Brown textured like sun.........." dear lord bajeebus i was cool!
Anyway i got my first full size keyboard at 15 and with this decided to take up lessons. After moving to my high school i took up GCSE music. My music teacher, who i still thank today for getting me into production, was the first person to introduce myself and the rest of the school to music prod and audio engineering. With him by my side showing me the inside outs of the software and hardware (no sexual innuendo intended) i continued to spend breaktime's and after school hours in the studio making tunes. As of then i had quite a small CD collection if any actually, most were mixtape's and cassettes and i gathered a lot of my inspiration from DJ Shadow, Q-bert, Shiggar Fragar etc.
Towards the end of School i decided that i still wanted to carry on producing so i got myself a place at college in BTEC Music Technology. For me this was a big step, an advantage of doing this would be having all the equipment and people at my disposal to help me out with anything i needed to know on music prod. At first college was a big change for me and had my doubts about carrying on. But after a few months there i made some good friends and carried on to enjoy the course. Throughout the duration of my college days i began listening to lots of different types of music. My main musical interest then was Drum n Bass. For me when i first heard it on a mix CD free with knowledge mag, i was hooked straight away.
These days i have quite a broad range of music taste. House, Trance (the older stuff), Breakbeat, Trip Hop, Turntablism, Drum n Bass, Jazz, Swing, Downtempo. Since becoming a producer i feel that its made me appreciate music much, much more. Anyway to bring you up to date with things these days. I predominently produce trip hop/downtempo & hip hop, but also enjoy producing electro and dance on the side. You can check out these tunes at www.myspace.com/i_love_joystik

My Interests


Member Since: 12/9/2005
Band Website: soundclick.com/emuuk
Band Members: Me, Myself and I
Influences: Check the silver music player above my 'Top Friends'
Sounds Like: Devonshire cream poured onto ripe hand picked strawberries
West country brie and cranberry cheese, sliced onto a crunchy patio of oven baked biscuits. Helped down with a 10 year vintage bottle of red 'Grande champione' wine
These ain't normal beats, these are EMU beats!!!!!!!
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

***NEW MIX*** ’Grits & Gravy’ Hip hop/Funk- FREE DOWNLOAD

1. Husky Rescue- Rainbow Flows 2. Dangermouse- It ain't hard to tell 3. MC Breezy Beat & DJ Quick Rick- Stick'em champ 4. Public Enemy- Too much posse 5. Coldcut- Beats & Pieces 6. Lord Buckle...
Posted by EMU on Sat, 24 May 2008 02:49:00 PST

NEW SONGS: Nautical Umps & Hibernation Of The Heart

.. -->StartFragment-->                                &nb...
Posted by EMU on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:20:00 PST

Listen to more music HERE!!!!

Due to changing my page to flash, sadly it's all a bit more difficult to host HTML on my page. So here is my other music player with my mixes and some of my ot...
Posted by EMU on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 08:05:00 PST

NEW SONG- ’Rusty Halo’

I wouldn't normaly post a blog about a new song. But im paticuarly proud of this one just for the sheer work thats gone into it. Featured on this track is a vocalist from Boston, America called Caitly...
Posted by EMU on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 10:08:00 PST

NEW MIX- 21/08/07- Pushing The Clocks Forward

This mix is more of a hip hop based one. Although as always by looking at the tracklisting there's an eclectic range of sounds going on. I thought i'd build from some more mellow hip hop to a bigger s...
Posted by EMU on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 03:00:00 PST

Eye In The Sky (Edit-Undo Remix)

Go check it out at www.myspace.com/editundo1 Great take on the original by Paul and vocalist Frankie
Posted by EMU on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 11:16:00 PST

Update on the music front

Right i was just giving the page a spring clean so i thought i'd update you all with how things are going on the music front. So far this year MySpace has been a big help to me, as im sure ...
Posted by EMU on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 02:42:00 PST

To all lyricists, rappers, musicians, singers............

Anyone basically............currently on the hunt for people to collab with. Trying to make this more of thing a to do this year, hopefully should widen my musical horizons a bit. I make a wide range ...
Posted by EMU on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:35:00 PST

New Song Featured on Ninth Cloud's New Album

Some good news, just finished a instrumental which will be featured on Ninth Cloud's new album out in late March early April. The instrumental will include lyrics by Ninth Cloud. Go check out their pa...
Posted by EMU on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 10:36:00 PST

[MIX] EMU- '5Years On, 20 Years Strong' Mix

Another mix from myself. As usual a quite eclectic range of music. So go ahead and enjoy : ) Keep checking my blogs @ www.myspace.com/emu4emu for more mixesEMU- '5 Years On, 20 Years Strong' Mix1. UNK...
Posted by EMU on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 04:57:00 PST