Let's see...
I hate this whole "about me" part. If you know me you already know "about me" and if you don't then you don't really care and if you really do want to know I'd rather have you read further in or just ask. So...
if you want to know anything then just ask me. :P
*military blinkies/graphics by thea/britt and special thanks to ashley for the carney one*
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Where does Your Beauty Hide? Dark Pictures and Deep Results
brought to you by Quizilla
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Cruel Intentions
"I'm the only girl you can't have, and it kills you." What Famous Movie Kiss Are You?
The Lost Soul
What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
You have come to a place mute of all light, where the wind bellows as the sea does in a tempest. This is the realm where the lustful spend eternity. Here, sinners are blown around endlessly by the unforgiving winds of unquenchable desire as punishment for their transgressions. The infernal hurricane that never rests hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine, whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them. You have betrayed reason at the behest of your appetite for pleasure, and so here you are doomed to remain. Cleopatra and Helen of Troy are two that share in your fate.
Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test
I adopted a cute lil' dragon fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
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