TIA profile picture


I kind of always knew I'd end up your exgirlfriend

About Me

Alright....it's about time that I change all this goodness. Variety is the slice of life right?!?! My name is Tia, I was supposed to be named Camille and my Father didn't like it (thank god). My Mom named me after the little girl with special powers in the Disney movie "Escape from Witch Mountain." I wish I had special powers...but I don't. I try to think my special powers are in my smile and in my way of finding the humor in all situations of life. That is one of the things I've dedicated my life to.....making the people around me smile. I actually wrote out my own mission statement, it's a little cheesy but it reminds me why I'm here (or at least why I think I am). At the age of 16, I graduated high school, moved to Orlando on my own, started college, bought a sports car and a townhome all by the time I turned 18. During all of this I began pursuing my acting career and became a big fish in a small pond! But now Ive digressed...I moved to LA with my family, whom I'm living with, renting, driving an old car (at least its a convertible), am a minnow in a huge lake trying not to be eaten, studying my buns off to be the best I can and all for the love of acting -- and loving every minute of it! It's so fun to drive through my neighborhood and know that Tom Petty sings about it! I think it is important to respect people and all their ideas and creativity and I hope that people would do the same for me. I am Italian, yeah, so I work out constantly so my hips don't blow up to the size of Italy. I love my work and I love spending quality time with my friends and family. I always enjoy a convertible ride on a beautiful sunny day, an amazing sushi meal, my bitchy cat that thinks the world of me, and the right song playing at just the right moment! Music makes me tick. I have a weakness for musicians, especially men with dark hair and blue eyes, but I try to stay away because most of them are bad news (speaking from experience). Enough of that...I love each and every one of you that are my friends and I am truly blessed to be surrounded by so much beauty!

My Interests

THE BIMBOS!!! ..Of course my first love and my passion is acting. I love to dance and do yoga. I try to keep myself creative by writing, painting, and playing my guitar. I'm really into music and one day I will front a rock band! I love to travel and see the world, especially white sandy beaches! I've recently discovered the world of snowboarding and pretend I'm an olympian, even though I can't even carve yet! Right now I am part of the creative team developing an amazing variety show that is going to hit the US by storm (this takes up most of my time) and just shot a pilot that will be a huge success!

I'd like to meet:

I love to meet any and all walks of life. I love people who are inspired, motivated, and excited about their life and where it can go! I seem to be able to mesh with just about any personality. Although, I am learning the specifics about myself and what I really want out of a relationship, whether it be a friend or more.


I am a huge Gwen Stefani/No Doubt fan!!
I love rock and roll (classic or contemporary)!
Punk, alternative, and anything with a raging guitar!
The Smashing Pumpkins
Nine Inch Nails
Tori Amos
The Strokes
Jimi Hendrix
The Beatles
Good Charlotte
Alkaline Trio
Duran Duran
Depeche Mode
The Cure
Foo Fighters
The White Stripes
The Ramones
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Death Cab For Cutie
Veruca Salt
The Faint
Linkin Park
Maroon 5
The Killers
Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs
The Raconteurs
Bob Marley
Steely Dan
Fleetwood Mac
The Cocteau Twins
The Gorillas
Gnarles Barkely
Le Disco
Justin Timberlake
The Presets
Sean Paul
Anything 80'S usually rocks!!!


What? The Departed is one of the better movies I have seen in a while (thanks to the SAG awards:) I know it sounds typical but CLUELESS is my ultimate favorite movie!!! I freakin love Baz Lurhman's Romeo and Juliet and Moulin Rouge. Some Like It Hot and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (gotta love Marilyn Monroe). Edward Scissorhands -anything with Johnny Depp, he's a genius, and I love Tim Burton. Happy Gilmore, The Life Aquatic, The Dark Crystal, Austin Powers (any of them), any Muppett movie (gotta love Pepe, he is a king prawn), Hook, Finding Neverland, Alice in Wonderland, Sin City, Batman (Keaton Batman), Kill Bill, The Fifth Element, WEDDING CRASHERS!!!


Grey's Anatomy is my love right now. Desperate Housewives I am usually home for (Sunday evenings seem to just work). I love Boston Legal. I am a huge Letterman fan. I have to be on his show. My most favorite show in the whole world will be my first tv show. Reality TV can die out anytime now! Give us our jobs back, bitches!


All Harry Potter books - they rock. My most favorite book when I was little was Bad News Ballet. Marilyn by Henry Holt - I think it really touches on the dark side of her life. The Bible is actually a really good book.


MY MOTHER. She is the strongest woman I know, raising 3 kids on her own and is now a proud grandma of two of the cutest little boys God ever created -MY NEPHEWS! She is smart (both street and book) resourceful, positive, creative, and most of all nurturing and loving!!! She is my rock and foundation for everything I do in this world.

My Blog


        CHECK OUT www.myspace.com/uabimbo...
Posted by TIA on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 12:15:00 PST


Hello all....Christy Moore and I were having a disussion about blogs (please don't even ask why we were talking about blogs - we're dorks) on the phone the other night and then we gave ourselves an as...
Posted by TIA on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 08:09:00 PST

The Weight of the World

I have no idea what has crept into my soul to make me feel like the whole world is falling apart because of me.  Because of what I "did" or "did not" do!  I feel like I have been living in a...
Posted by TIA on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 10:32:00 PST


WOW!  I had never wrote a blog before that one calm, mindless day.  I guess I really didn't think anyone would read it!  Why is it that I get in particular moods to be "deep" and s...
Posted by TIA on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 12:42:00 PST

The Simple Things In Life

Today is the first day in forever that I was able to sleep in and I am still sitting in my pajamas!!!  I have NOTHING I  "have" to do today!  It's absolutely incredible when this happen...
Posted by TIA on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 02:31:00 PST


CHECK IT..........................
Posted by TIA on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 02:55:00 PST


Posted by TIA on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 02:20:00 PST