pǝʇɐɔıldɯoɔun profile picture



About Me

Me So what are your dreams and aspirations. Its not always what makes you tick but why you do so . What is your reason for being , most if not all of us know what our reason is but not many have the strength to face it .. maybe it what you have to do to get to it ...maybe its too hard...maybe its not worth it . The Things that are hardest to do are what make you happiest. Like That time you worked hard to ride your bike for the first time. All the falls, skinned knees ,and bumps as well as brusies .but when you got on it, and rode it. It was the best feeling in the world. So why am i telling you this , what does this have to do with my page. Well im going to live with no regrets now ... and im going to purse my dreams instead of just money ... so to all those that once knew me as a baller...The man with a wad of cash at all times ,The man that drove a pimp ass ride, the man that only lived in the Best places , drank the best shit , Had some of the baddest females, Went to the most expensive clubs and frequented the vip rooms in all of them .I..m here to tell you he died ...On December 4th at 4 pm. -------
All i know is that some lady jammed on her brakes in front of him during traffic. The first turn to avoid her he had, but collateral circumstances prevented him from guiding his car through the rest of the cars... So he didnt ,someone else did . He weaved though traffic missing 6 cars narrowly and sliding from one side of the freeway to the other. Then while turning at the dirt barrier on the side of the freeway he Uttered to himself a simple statement . "Im not finished yet" the car rolled up the dirt embankment and straight into the concrete sidewall. With the flash of an airbag my old life was over...
Id asked god one day ( i conversate with him sometimes dont laugh)to pull me out of my life because i wasnt happy ..., i made great money doing something i thought was easy ... but it took alot of my time , i had nice stuff but it meant nothing to me .. i bought lots more stuff but nothing felt earned, nothing felt real.
I remember i was in a club one night as i did 4 nights a week and i saw myself in a bleak future living a long drawnout and very boring life with out ever doing any of the stuff i wanted to do as a child i felt dead inside. It was then i asked him (god) to put me on the path, To find the way that would lead me back to my true path. he told me flat out then what to do. To quit my job, sell my car and, go back to school. But i had reasons not to do that, reasons i thought were good at the time, so the next day i asked again and i heard the same , but this was the first time i questioned if that was the only way. The next six monthes were silent and painful as i didnt hear his voice any more and one thing after another befell me, everything that was solid in my life crumbled .Leading to that december afternoon.
The people that know the path i was guided to walk still look at me in disbelief wondering why i didnt go insane . i wondered myself sometimes before i realized it was what i wanted done, even though it was something i didnt have the strength to do myself . I knew god had always had my back (even though it seemed he turned his to me)and i'll come through this.
I know now that bad things sometimes happen for the right reasons , and its the weight of the world that makes us stronger. also sometimes, the things you think are good to you aren..t good for you and rarely come without a price.
i thought it was time to update this page of mine. im different i thought my page should be too.
to those that are kindred spirits ..those that know what they want and go after it, goodluck and dont let the shiny things on the side of the road distract you.
So if you..ve come this far your either looking for more pics or you wanna know more about me ... well by most people standards im not an average black male (not by my standards ). Im sometimes considered a nerd for not wearing what some consider popular, i like to read and even do a little writing. i took martial arts i didnt run a football
i write, and sometime its poety, not freestyle
i like to read and actually enjoy it .
i want to become a writer among other things i want to inspire people, so... im not in school chasing money.
You live and you learn , ive been there and done that ...ill keep you posted on the book.

Get @

My Interests

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next.

I'd like to meet:

Your all ok. i prefer damaged people , because only someone that is used is proven. I know u WONT crumble under the strain... i like fighters and dreamers, profits and priests , but only if they know what to fight for, and what to preach about .
Me... well im non judgemental sometimes a lil reserved & sometimes a lot blunt
Im alot like everyone youve ever known but not quite like anyone you've ever met.
Who would i like to meet. You, The Real You.



i respect all music and musicians because in 4 mins they can explain to you everything about life.
in 4 mins you can understand about love and relationships ,
in 4 minutes you know why people hate or cry, what they live for and how they feel inside
i respect it,

because of music, 4 minutes can be a life time


Lucky number Sleven, V is for vendetta, SIN CITY, Spiderman 1 & 2, Blade, Payback, Pay it Forward, Passion of Christ, Almost Famous, Clockwork Orange, Office Space, Raising Arizona, Groundhog Day, The Shawshank Redemption, ConAir, The Rock, Glory, StarDust, The Princess Bride (no comments!), The lord of the Rings Directors cut I, II, III, Kill bill 2, The Matrix, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Big Hit, Scream, Romeo and Juliet, Seven, Fight Club, Memento, Butterfly effect, The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs, Long Kiss Goodnight, Sky High, Pulp fiction, Four Rooms, Planet Terror, Gattaca, Lord of War, Blow, Donnie Darko, And anything that remotely catches me off guard,Independant Or slightly less than mainstream.
And Atomfilms.com is the business Check Out- In God We Trust - You wont regret it.


Tv.....the main cultural influence of america Yeah........... I dont watch it (But ive been Known to download a couple shows :p )


Mmmm...Yeah!!! i breathe books , reading 2 now


Leonardo Di vinci , Nicoli Tesla , Richard Feynman ,Anais Nin. And anyone who can achieve Greatness by not trying to be great . But by striving to be an individual.

My Blog

Once Around the Block

To me most of life is a series of small and important choices.  i also belive that most success is acheived with of a small measure of sacrifice, and all happiness is born of an equal measure of ...
Posted by p݇PT1ldooTun on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:07:00 PST