Playing, Laughing as often as Kids do, loving Deep, Hugging loong + Meaning it, Walking my Talk, listening to Animals, SHAKin' mY Booty!! , My Soul's Journey, AUthenticity, CLean air, Mending this Planet (helping it REcover), People who are comfortable in their OWN Skin~and Honest about it when they're NOT *grin* , Pioneer times, First Nations Cutures + Spiritual Beliefs, whales, WILDness in many forms, Visioning/Intuiting + WOMANifesting my Heaven~ON~eArth~LIFE, eating a *RAW foods* diet, Writing, Creating BEAUTy::::
People / Animals WHO insPIRE me to be My biggest SELF / to Live loose & larGE in My BODY / to Truly ACCept aaaaalll of my parTS beCAuse THEY are Living like this.
I love Music from ALL of the WORld. Anything that speaks SO honest; my Jaw Drops! Early Stevie Wonder. Aneethang I can't sit still to OR get Chills from. Women MY age who are tellin' it like it is with a Gawgus set o' lungs. Folk, Bluegrass, Acoustic Guitar, Funk, name sOMe.
It's A Wonderful Life. True Stories (David Byrne). Whale Rider. Boy's Don't Cry. Thelma + Louise. Joan of Arc ~ The Messenger. I LOVE b+w movies.Cary Grant/Katherine Hepburn films.InterNAtional films.*just a NIBBle*
ANIMAL DREAMS ~ Barbara Kingsolver. All the books I read as a kid that reminded me how Important + Real Imagination + Magic IS. SPILLING OPEN : the Art of becoming yourSelf ~ Sabrina Ward Harrison. The GRIFFIN & SABINE series ~ Nick Bantock. Books children make w/ staples + tape all over the place; straight from INside them ! PATIENCE & SARAH ~ Isabel Miller. the WEETZIE BAT series ~ Francesca Lia Block. The ILLUMINATED RUMI ~ Coleman Barks + Michael Green, ALTERKNITS ~ Leigh Radford. All 3 of the Lynda J. Barry comic~storybooks I have.Again ~ just a tASTe.
Anyone who LIVES their Truest SELF. It's not an easy walk. I'm in the process.the FRUITS i've glimpsed are brighter than the eye can stand.