the REAL ME profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

*Artist: Textiles / Paint / Draw / Sculpt ( found objects / Natural objects )
*Spirit: the EARTH is mYe Temple / Shrine
*Bargain~hunter Extraordinnaire: Loooooove yard sales / 2nd Hand shops / flea mkts.
*Goofball: I Loooove to be sill~AY
*Animal Adorer: i live with ONE delicious Lab. I authentically FreakOUT when I see ANY animal in distress that's not being taken Care of. I've worked on a Farm w/ all the animals. I can imagine myself "Rescuing" { but, really~WHO is rescuing WHOM ???? unh?? unh?? } loooots of Animals and taking beautifulCARE of them when I am settled in my Own Home.
*Hollywood Stalker: true. yes, i KNOW they are "just people"..........yet, it's Pretty GREAT Meeting my faves.


My Interests

Playing, Laughing as often as Kids do, loving Deep, Hugging loong + Meaning it, Walking my Talk, listening to Animals, SHAKin' mY Booty!! , My Soul's Journey, AUthenticity, CLean air, Mending this Planet (helping it REcover), People who are comfortable in their OWN Skin~and Honest about it when they're NOT *grin* , Pioneer times, First Nations Cutures + Spiritual Beliefs, whales, WILDness in many forms, Visioning/Intuiting + WOMANifesting my Heaven~ON~eArth~LIFE, eating a *RAW foods* diet, Writing, Creating BEAUTy::::

I'd like to meet:

People / Animals WHO insPIRE me to be My biggest SELF / to Live loose & larGE in My BODY / to Truly ACCept aaaaalll of my parTS beCAuse THEY are Living like this.


I love Music from ALL of the WORld. Anything that speaks SO honest; my Jaw Drops! Early Stevie Wonder. Aneethang I can't sit still to OR get Chills from. Women MY age who are tellin' it like it is with a Gawgus set o' lungs. Folk, Bluegrass, Acoustic Guitar, Funk, name sOMe.


It's A Wonderful Life. True Stories (David Byrne). Whale Rider. Boy's Don't Cry. Thelma + Louise. Joan of Arc ~ The Messenger. I LOVE b+w movies.Cary Grant/Katherine Hepburn films.InterNAtional films.*just a NIBBle*


ANIMAL DREAMS ~ Barbara Kingsolver. All the books I read as a kid that reminded me how Important + Real Imagination + Magic IS. SPILLING OPEN : the Art of becoming yourSelf ~ Sabrina Ward Harrison. The GRIFFIN & SABINE series ~ Nick Bantock. Books children make w/ staples + tape all over the place; straight from INside them ! PATIENCE & SARAH ~ Isabel Miller. the WEETZIE BAT series ~ Francesca Lia Block. The ILLUMINATED RUMI ~ Coleman Barks + Michael Green, ALTERKNITS ~ Leigh Radford. All 3 of the Lynda J. Barry comic~storybooks I have.Again ~ just a tASTe.


Anyone who LIVES their Truest SELF. It's not an easy walk. I'm in the process.the FRUITS i've glimpsed are brighter than the eye can stand.

My Blog

What HE* did

My OWn MouTh can't get it aLL ouT.not with PUkenot with talknot with scREAMsno.I Must fiNd anOther wAY.through mYe POres mebbethru letting it go frum the BaSE of MyE ceLLs thru your squeezy ARMs~THAT ...
Posted by the REAL ME on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:05:00 PST

Hey BABies~

thanks to ALL you Holders of ME:::: in all yr. different Ways~~~~~it has NOT gone without NoTice.................................................Myst. MUMMa:>>>love you too***simi++++ sisTAH who's alWA...
Posted by the REAL ME on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 07:44:00 PST

WHEN did we Start stopping....

being our ABSOLUTE, Authentic SELves ???Like Kids are.I know it's a GRAdual process of shutting the Doors to certain *rooms* inside us & of Hearing/Learning that certain *rooms* are UNcool to VISIT fr...
Posted by the REAL ME on Fri, 19 May 2006 05:19:00 PST

in SOUL* currency~ I am A BILLIONAIRE !!!!

itSTrue !!!i'm glad I just figgered this OUT !!!I am rich HERE.~~~~~~~~~~~yayYAYmeeMEEEE
Posted by the REAL ME on Wed, 17 May 2006 03:06:00 PST

An Angel AT MY Table~~~~

i am re-watching this VHS movie.Haven't seen it in's so I'm watching the furst 1/2, I notice....Play:what was the thing we did as kids ?? (generally)we PLayed!!!and what does "Play...
Posted by the REAL ME on Tue, 16 May 2006 03:32:00 PST

right now~

I feel so wispy horrorscope said I'd be so busy & popular & I'ze just sittin' here, mendin' a Quilt/eating Tuna Burgers & fending off a soreTHROAT.???I feel like's so strange how ST...
Posted by the REAL ME on Sat, 13 May 2006 11:45:00 PST

warm *RUMI*~

From the hundreds of times I lost the connection, I learn this: your fragrance brings me back. Inside that I become a feast with aloeswood burning, the pure empty sky around the moon. Then I make prom...
Posted by the REAL ME on Thu, 04 May 2006 05:13:00 PST

Hedwig & the Angry Inch: AAAAAAAAAh!!!!

Who has seen this film ?FUKKKK.i think the main reason i dig it (i know, you couldn't tell up until now, could U ? heehee) is because of it's INCLUSIVENESS.The feeling i get from it is~ WE ARE ALL SP...
Posted by the REAL ME on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 07:24:00 PST

MaH~mah~Mah~Mooooving !

HOO yeh!Okay~for those of you that don't know, I did this HUGE message to the HeaVENs**** saying I *SURRender* my controls to you re where i am going to be the most DEEPly SATISTISFIED living.I had do...
Posted by the REAL ME on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 06:23:00 PST

THings I Dig/Things that PISS me OFF!

****thing eye DIGG****that i ate 2 Hotdawgs yest.!!! this is a big DEAL for me what with the ketchup & wheat bun & ev.thang. bouncing on TrAmpolines/BEDsanimals that LET me "smooosh" them. thank GOD...
Posted by the REAL ME on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 06:17:00 PST