Any plan is better than no plan
Perception is not reality (dont worry I'm just an walking advertisement)
If we dont take care of eachother then who's gonna take care of us.
Cleanliness is next to godliness
You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather, I didn't invent the rainy day I just own the best umbrella. By failing to plan you plan to fail.
I am the master of my own destiny, captain of my own fate.
Sometimes it's not the message but the messenger.
Don't get discouraged by temporary defeat.
There are no limitations to the mind except those that we acknowledge.
He who does not learn from history is doom to repeat it.
Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.
Dance, sing, smile, love, laugh, hug, or give. Do whatever that will make you happy.
The measure of a man isn't by his accomplishments as he rises but by the way he rises from his falls.
You are who you hang out with surround yourself with people that will uplift you. Positive influences only.
Garbage in, garbage out (food & drinks, influences)
Dont ever let someone tell you that you can't do something just because they dont have what it takes to do it themselves.
Always ask yourself HOW to a problem because there is always possibility's to difficultys in life, ALWAYS.
You have the ability to achieve anything you want to in life it's all a mindset. Train your thoughts everyday.
If you want something go and get it even though then and there you might not be the best at it. The best at it may not have the same ambition as you do. They may not want it as much as you do the fact that you have what it takes to reach your goal and people recognize it thats what makes you the best, by not being the best but knowing you are.
If you're not playing to win then there's no point to play, what are you playing for? Live your LIFE!
People are afraid of what they dont understand or whats different to them so they turn to their assumptions judging a book by it's cover. Life is about learning, everyone is a best seller, question is do you have the ears to be a good reader.
Oppurtunity depends your attitude. No better time then now. You'll never know untill you try.
Made with two ears and one mouth it would seem that we are intended to listen twice as much as we were intended to speak.
You'll never know where you are going in life if you forget where you're from.
If you influence one person you can change the world, we're all tied together. The world is smaller then you think. As unique as we think we are we're all wondering one thing, why are we here?
The best way to get revenge is to forgive. Forgive but never forget two wrongs dont make it right.
Do unto others as you would expect them to do unto you. What goes around comes back around. KARMA.
You can spend your whole life chasing your dream and might not succeed however it wouldn't turn out to be a wasted life for you had a purpose. Everything happens for a reason.
Never let someone take your dream from you thats all we have, what else are we living for.
Dont get discouraged by temporary defeat, NEVER!!! It's all about FAITH.
The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. Live your life get the most out of yourself.
In order to be a great leader you have to have the qualitys of a good follower.
Everything happens for a reason, find that reason, see it and let it be your learning experience.