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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a Japanese Mexican.To get an unbiased representation about me just look at the comments my friends leave me on my page and blogs, that is the best way to describe what I am about. Now I know your thinking that my friends are going to think highly of me and leave good stuff, well that may be true but they are also honest in what I do good and bad. That is why they are my friends.

My Interests

Conversating over a good Martini. Beach Activities. Writing creatively and reporting, Public Relations. Anime. Fundraising,Japan, Traveling.

I'd like to meet:

I met alot of people in my time, due to my work at the magazine, but I still say that everyday people are the best people. That is who would like to meet, cause I can learn something from them.Here is a few songs that described my summer. I hope you enjoy. They are in no particular order.


Everything from the Classical(Bach, Bethoveen) to New Classical ( Yo Yo Ma, Rob Dougan, Neil Norman) 80's( The Cars, The Police, Van Halen), Modern Rock(Billy Idol, The Clash, Pearl Jam/ Metalica, U2), Classic Rock (Led Zep, Rolling Stones, AC/DC) Pop, Techno, R&B. Its sad to say I dont know many artists but love the music. I guess thats why I like ALL sorts of music.


Foreign films such as Godzilla flicks, The Body Guard from Bejing, Leon a.ka. The Professional, Anime, Kenshin, Tenchi Muyo, Street Fighter. American like, Kill Bill, 007 Series, Lucas, Big Fish, Pulp Fiction, Pirates of the Carribean, Matrix, The Endless Summer, It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad World, Sidekicks, The Gonnies, Kickboxer and BloodSport, Since I want to learn how to dance like John Claude Van Dame. There is many more flicks that I cant name, but if you name them I can probably agree with you.


Iron Chef, Law and Order, ESPN, FOX Sports, MacGuyver, A-Team, Airwolf, History Network, Cartoons e.g. Rocco's Modern Life, S.B.S.P., Tom and Jerry, Anime, W.T.P.


The Daily Shows,America, a citzens guide to democracy. Messages from Somewhere, Skills of Life, Shakespear, Short Stories, The Pefect Pitch the Robert Owens Peanut Man Story, Chronicles of Narnia, Golf is not a Game of Perfect. Homicide Special: Stories of Robbery and Homincide of the LAPD, The Accidental Asian, AP Style Book.


There are many, but I will keep it short. Symbolical: Godzilla, Inspriationally: William JPS Jr of HuckleberryFinn Tomorrow, Every Day Hero: Det. Ron Ito. Golf: Olin Browne, Greg Puga.

My Blog

Soundtrack of My Life

Opening Credits: Something by Hans Zimmer There would be shots of me driving or going to work or an assignment.Waking Up Scene: Godzilla's Theme 19...
Posted by Marcelo on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:50:00 PST

Learning to Fly (End of Summer)

   Oh what a summer it has been. I do not really understand the fool that said the first Monday of September marks the end of summer.  I guess they must have lived in the North or somet...
Posted by Marcelo on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 03:24:00 PST

Marcellus Professor of Love: The Online Relationship

Q: Marcellus, If you had online relationship, would talking on the phone really prove who you are? or Showing cam? How will you know its not someone else?      Hear are my...
Posted by Marcelo on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 12:33:00 PST


Okay, I did touch on why I shaved my head. No I am not going to be a skin head! Its just that I thought I need to go back to basics on some stuff. I dunno if it was JK's wedding that made me do some ...
Posted by Marcelo on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:07:00 PST

Via Las Vegas: JK's Wedding Wrapped up

Okay folks, I just wanted to wrap up this blogs series because I do not think I can devote the time to writing a series of blogs, when I have a full plate at work, Eagle Flite Events, and Tournament p...
Posted by Marcelo on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 06:13:00 PST

Via Las Vegas JK's Wedding: A good 2 hours spent

On the way up to Las Vegas, with my Dad and grandparents, not much was really talked about. We did throw chum for conversation, such as what JK's Wedding will be like, the state of their families and ...
Posted by Marcelo on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:13:00 PST

And the beat goes on!

Well normally I do not give acceptance speeches for 3rd place finishes but this one was special and had to be done. I had my  Uncle "Secret Agent Man" Chavarria, who I just found out escorted th...
Posted by Marcelo on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 12:21:00 PST

In Search of... ( Celo & Zucker)

finding the person who is appears to be me on the default pic. (Club Lust) Also to tell a Miss Yoko, better known as Fujiko Kano sorry about not doing a story on her when she was considered Cart Girl ...
Posted by Marcelo on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:08:00 PST

The Ichiban Yatou of Eagle Flite Golf Club.

When I was asked to take part of the Westside Athletics Scholarship Tournament, I said "Sure why not, I could prove those Sandbaggers that I do have some game." Game Day 6/18/0718 Hole Scramble 4-man ...
Posted by Marcelo on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 01:18:00 PST

How the word special is underated

As in this case today.  I was invited to play a nine hole alternate shot golf tournament for the Special Olympics of Southern California at Rancho Duarte Golf Course. I play with two other uniqu...
Posted by Marcelo on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 10:40:00 PST