Traveling, cooking, reading, Horse Back Riding, Astrology, Cats, Computers, Crafts, Dogs, Gardening, News/politics/events, Shopping, Social cause/activism, Volunteer, Yoga
I am looking for fun-loving woman who doesnt mind sharing me with my husband. Must be honest about her bisexuality/curiousness. Height, weight etc. are not a concern as I love all women. I just ask that you be D/D free. Feel free to IM me here burrcat6975 or YIM:burrcat6975 or . moondancer110. Just remember you can never have too many friends :)
Mostly Country, 80's Metal and Pop, Some Heavy Metal...I guess anything but hardcore Rap.
Just saw Garden State..WOW AWESOME!! Harry Potter..yeh I am a kid at heart :) LOTR!!! Pretty Woman, Steel Magnolias, OK so I like chick flicks, well last time I checked I was a chick LOL
ER, all the Law & Order, Lost, Extreme Makover: Home Edition, plus I love the new Desperate Housewives and Boston Legal
Actually my husband. He has put up with alot of shit that has been going on. Plus he is secure enough with our relationship to let me find and have a Girlfriend :)